Professional Learning
CAEP Summit Resources
The CAEP Summit features presentations, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and the sharing of best practices focusing on adult education providers working creatively and collaboratively to help ensure that California's adult education students are well prepared for successful employment and/or further education. Below are links to resources (handouts, session presentations, etc.) from past Summits.
- CAEP Summit 2020: Opening Sessions - Plenary
- CAEP Summit 2021 Exhibitor Packet
CAEP Summit 2022 Resources
CAEP Summit 22'- Equity
- 10/26/2022 10 Quality Indicators to Develop High Impact Programs for Adult with Disabilities
- 10/26/2022 Understand and get to know your Muslim students
- 10/25/2022 Equity in California Adult Education: Connecting Research to Practice
- 10/25/2022 Sparking Conversations about Race with English Learners
CAEP Summit 22'- Leadership
- 10/28/2022 The Technology of Participation: An Overview of the Facilitation Methods of Collaboration and Planning to Achieve Outcomes
- 10/27/2022 Increasing collaboration within the ecosystem: San Diego/Imperial Counties Adult Education Career Training Course Mapping & Repository Project
- 10/26/2022 CAEP Summit Model Program Acknowledgment and Plenary Address 22'
- 10/26/2022 Putting Data to Work: Improving Outcomes Through Mentorship and Collaboration
- 10/25/2022 CAEP Summit 2022 Opening
- 10/25/2022 Capital Adult Education Regional Consortium: Workgroups and Collaboration
- 10/25/2022 The Power of a Rural Area
CAEP Summit 22'- Learner Transition
- 10/27/2022 Creating Community College Pathways through Dual Enrollment for Multiple Adult School Student Populations
- 10/27/2022 SB 554 Implications for Dual Enrollment: Moving the Conversation Forward
CAEP Summit 22'- Marketing
- 10/26/2022 Go Digital: One Consortium’s Journey Leveraging the #MoveAheadWithAdultEd Campaign to Boost Enrollments
- 10/25/2022 Recruitment, Retention, and Persistence in Traditional and Digital Learning Environments
- 10/25/2022 Using Geospatial Approaches to Visualize Equity and Enrollment Trends in Adult Education
CAEP Summit 22'- Program Development
- 10/28/2022 Incorporating Blended Learning Instructional Strategies
- 10/28/2022 Leveraging ICT Literacy OERs for Women In Sustainable Employment
- 10/28/2022 Project-Based Learning in ESL and ABE
- 10/28/2022 Raising Up The Next Generation
- 10/28/2022 The Whys and Hows of EL Civics Needs Assessment
- 10/27/2022 Join the Initiative: Supporting Immigrant Integration through Civics Education
- 10/27/2022 Motivating Learners in an Online Learning Environment
- 10/26/2022 Access America - USA Learns' New (and 100% Free) "Integration ESL" Course
- 10/26/2022 California EL Civics Exchange: Accessible Instructional Materials for English Learners
- 10/25/2022 CAEP as a Catalyst for Developing a Regional Pathway System - A Case Study of the Delta Sierra Adult Education Alliance’s Logistics, Industrial Maintenance and Manufacturing (LIMM) Pathway Bridge program
- 10/25/2022 Engaging & Empowering Adult Beginning Readers with Level 1-2 Photo Books
- 10/25/2022 Hybrid IET: Creating Equitable Career Pathways in Healthcare for Adult ELLs
- 10/25/2022 Re-engaging Students with Integrated Education & Training
- 10/25/2022 Techniques for Supporting Student Motivation and Confidence
- CAEP Performance Goals - Panel Discussion
CAEP Summit 22'- Program Evaluation
- 10/28/2022 Data and Strategies to Explore and Improve Equity and Impact in Adult Education
- 10/28/2022 Go Fly a Kite – Engage New Students During their first 12 Hours of Instruction
- 10/26/2022 CAEP Accountability - Reporting Outcomes and Services
- 10/25/2022 Managing CAEP Data in ASAP
CAEP Summit 22'- Technology & Distance Learning
- 10/28/2022 Employment and Earnings Survey
- 10/28/2022 Getting Started with Blended Learning
- 10/27/2022 Digital Learning Guidance for California Adult Ed Practitioners
- 10/27/2022 Using Technology to Amplify Student Voice
- 10/26/2022 CAEP Student Engagement Program – eliminating access barriers with texting and mobile technology
- 10/26/2022 Teach Online with Best Practices for High-Quality Instruction
- 10/25/2022 Using Canvas and Participating in the California Distance Learning Cooperative
- Planning and collaborating to prepare and equip students for digital equity and inclusion
CAEP Summit 21'- Equity
- 2/7/2022 Advancing our commitment to equity, social, racial, and economic justice through partners
- 10/27/2021 Meeting the Needs of Rural Adult Education Populations From CTE to ESL and HSE
- 10/27/2021 Shine a Spotlight on the less than 12 hour Students
CAEP Summit 21'- Leadership
- 10/27/2021 CAEP 2021 Plenary Address with Dr. Cayanna Good
- 10/27/2021 Technology of Participation Facilitation Methods used to Build Collaboration
- 10/26/2021 CAEP Summit 2021 Welcome and Updates
CAEP Summit 21'- Learner Transition
- 10/26/2022 Practices to Support the Educational Transition of Noncredit Students
- 10/27/2021 A System of Navigable Career Pathways for Adult Learners Mapping career education beyond
- 10/27/2021 Expanding Community College Dual Enrollment to Adult School Students in All CAEP Funded P
- 10/27/2021 Transitions from Adult Education to Community College A Collaborative Approach
CAEP Summit 21'- Marketing
- 10/27/2021 Social Media Supercharging the Relationship With Your Community
- 10/27/2021 Targeted Marketing to Leverage Workforce Title I Funds The Model for Expending CAEP Funds
- 10/27/2021 The Power of Personas Re engaging Adult Learners in a Post Pandemic World
CAEP Summit 21'- Program Development
- 10/27/2021 An Anti Poverty Strategy Creating financial aid opportunities for HSD HSE adults school s
- 10/27/2021 EL Civics Basics for CAEP Agencies
- 10/27/2021 Introducing the Equitable Apprenticeship Toolkit
- 10/26/2021 Problem Solving and Building Community of Practice through Peer Learning Circles
CAEP Summit 21'- Program Evaluation
- 10/27/2021 CAEP Performance Goals Panel Discussion
- 10/27/2021 Managing CAEP data in ASAP
- 10/27/2021 Putting Data to Work Improving Outcomes Through Mentorship and Collaboration
- 10/27/2021 South Bay Consortium for Adult Education Data Study Sessions A Consortium Wide Look at
- 10/27/2021 The Return of the Data How to go from a scruffy data nerf herder to a data Jedi
- 10/26/2021 CAEP Accountability Outcomes and Services
- 10/26/2021 Empowering Your Consortium to Understand Its Data – Tips and Tricks
CAEP Summit 21'- Technology & Distance Learning
- 10/27/2021 Increasing Engagement and Student Persistence Through Distance and Blended Learning Model
- 10/27/2021 Helping Our Students Acquire Digital Literacy Skills
- 10/27/2021 Helping Students Onboard Welcoming and Engaging Practices for Student Retention
- 10/27/2021 HyFlex Pilot for Student Access & Success Recommendations
CAEP Summit 20' - Curriculum
- 10/29/2020 Beyond Emergency Remote Teaching: Strategies and Resources to Promote Collaboration and Equity for Effective, Sustainable, Technology-driven Instruction
- 10/29/2020 Delivering Online Virtual Teaching and Learning for Incarcerated Adults
- 10/29/2020 Free Online ESL Classes - USA Learns
- 10/29/2020 Unprecedented Change for Beginning ESL Teachers
- 10/28/2020 Building Resilience With a College and Career Readiness Program
- 10/28/2020 Transforming Public Health Inequities through Comprehensive and Inclusive Sexual Health Education
- 10/27/2020 LAUSD/LAPL Online ESL Resources
- 10/27/2020 The Realities of Starting a Distance Education Program
- 10/27/2020 USA Learns Citizenship - A FREE Online Course
- 10/26/2020 Creating a Health Care Pathway Through Strong Community Partnerships: "Become a Home Care Aide"
- 10/26/2020 Social-Emotional Learning in the Adult Classroom
CAEP Summit 20' - Equity
- 10/29/2020 Decolonizing Education: Exploring Whiteness, Healing and the Recovery of Belonging
- 10/28/2020 Equity-Based Professional Development: One School’s Journey
- 10/27/2020 Equity, Not Equality – Practical Racial Justice Strategies To Increase Awareness
- 10/27/2020 The Journey of College-Educated Immigrants Enrolled in Adult Education CTE Programs
- 10/26/2020 Success for All Students through Equity
CAEP Summit 20' - Leadership
- 10/27/2021 Plenary Address 2021
- 10/29/2020 A Perspective on Immigrant Integration through Community Connections
- 10/29/2020 Case Study: Moving Adult Education to Online Learning
- 10/29/2020 Does the Census Bureau Publish Data on Education?
- 10/29/2020 English Learner Navigation and Co-Enrollment Pilots: Building Blocks for IET
- 10/29/2020 Take NOTE! The new Noncredit Online Teaching Excellence (NOTE) training program.
- 10/28/2020 Bylaws: The Ultimate Driving Machine
- 10/28/2020 Innovative Professional Development: Mentoring for Adult Educators Converting to Online Education
- 10/28/2020 Pathway ESL: One Division's Effort to Meet Individualized Needs
- 10/28/2020 Pathway Innovations: Sector Strategies and Immigrant Integration
- 10/28/2020 SMC’s Successful Journey Into Our New World of Remote Operations and Distance Education
- 10/27/2020 CAEP Update - A Panel Discussion
- 10/27/2020 Funding Formula One
- 10/27/2020 Santa Clara County COVID-19 Bridge to Recovery Program: Reimagining Regional Workforce Development and Training
- 10/26/2020 Dual Enrollment & Co-Enrollment - CAEP 2020
- 10/26/2020 Leadership and Innovation: Theory to Practice for Adult Ed Teachers
- 10/26/2020 Using Data Tables to Make Informed Decisions
- 10/26/2020 Utilizing SB 554 to Enroll Nonresident and Resident HSE and HSD Students in Credit College Courses
CAEP Summit 20' - Learner Transition
- 10/29/2020 Avoiding the Road to Nowhere: CAEP CTE Pathways Mapping and Dashboard Initiative
- 10/29/2020 Student Engagement in the Time of Covid: Profiling DSAEA Transitions Team
- 10/29/2020 Successful Student Transition from Non-Credit to Credit: CAEP ESL Mentorship Program Student Pathway
- 10/28/2020 College Transition Strategies in a Distance Learning Environment
- 10/28/2020 Santa Ana College: Creating a Pathway through the Pandemic Forest
- 10/27/2020 Virtual Summer Bridge Program
CAEP Summit 20' - Marketing
- 10/29/2020 Albright College Year 1
- 10/28/2020 Adapting to Unexpected Change with Motivation, Collaboration, Persistence and Creative Problem Solving
- 10/27/2020 Behind Every Employer 2020: Building Employer Relationships in the New COVID-19 Environment
- 10/27/2020 Recruitment of Adult Learners During COVID-19
- 10/26/2020 A Panel Discussion: Regional Recruitment Campaigns – How to Collaborate to Increase Enrollments
- 10/26/2020 The New Normal: How we pivoted to address our students' needs in a virtual environment
CAEP Summit 20' - Program Development
- 10/28/2020 Competency Based Education - Adult Education's Role
- 10/28/2020 The National External Diploma Program in San Bernardino
- 10/27/2020 California's Integrated Education & Training & Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education Opportunities
- 10/27/2020 Creating Career & Workforce Development Opportunities for Adult Education
- 10/27/2020 Working for the benefit of adult learners in Greater Sacramento Region
- 10/26/2020 Essential Partnerships with Extraordinary Opportunities = Unprecedented Outcomes
- 10/26/2020 Roles for Adult Education in California’s Equitable Economic Recovery
CAEP Summit 20' - Program Evaluation
- 10/29/2020 Understanding and Using the Adult Education Pipeline on the LaunchBoard
- 10/28/2020 Strategies & Resources for Accurate Reporting of Outcomes Data in TOPSpro Enterprise for CAEP Consortia
- 10/27/2020 Developing Tools to Help Your Consortium Fund Data-driven Strategies
- 10/27/2020 NRS Performance Goals Panel
CAEP Summit 20' - Technology and Distance Learning
- 10/29/2020 Models for Preparing Adult English Learners for the Workforce
- 10/29/2020 OTAN Resources
- 10/29/2020 Ways to Engage Using Google!
- 10/28/2020 Digital Literacy, the Pandemic, and Racism: A Cascade of Inequitable Events Demanding Action from Adult Education
- 10/28/2020 It Takes a Village for ESL Student Success!
- 10/28/2020 Utilizing Remote Assessment of Student Progress on EL Civics COAAPs
- 10/27/2020 Using Zoom for Remote Instruction
- 10/27/2020 Yes We Can! Transferring F2F Strategies to Remote Instruction
- 10/26/2020 Resiliency: CASAS Remote Testing and What Works for Online Learners
CAEP Consortia Directors' Events
This section provides learning materials from past CAEP Directors' Events.
- 9/24/2021 CAEP Directors' Event Week 2021: CAEP New Consortia Lead Onboard Training
- 9/24/2021 CAEP Directors' Event Week 2021: Community Asset Mapping
- 9/22/2021 CAEP Directors' Event Week 2021: Goal Setting and Targets
- 9/21/2021 CAEP Directors' Event Week 2021: CASAS Program Evaluation
- 9/21/2021 CAEP Directors' Event Week 2021: Consortium Program Quality Self-Assessment
- 9/20/2021 Welcome to the CAEP Directors' Event Week 2021
- 10/5/2020 CAEP 2020 Directors' Event
9/27/2019 CAEP Directors Event
- CAEP Office Update and 3-Year Plan Review
- CAEP Office Update - Changes for CAEP 2019-20
- Consortia and Agency Interest-Based Decision-Making - Getting it Done and Meeting Needs
- CASAS Using Data to Measure Effectiveness
- WestEd Using Data to Measure Effectiveness
- Governance - How to Establish By-Laws to Allow Robust Decision-Making
- 9/28/2018 AEP Consortia Directors Event
10/12/2017 2017 Transformational Leadership Symposium
- Welcome - Doing What Matters
- CLASP Report Findings
- Educate & Elevate Campaign
- Data Accountability & Fiscal Management
- CA Adult Education Data and Accountability System
- Transform and Lead AEBG
- The Adult Education in 2020
- TAP into Answers and Resources
- Data and Accountability Panel
- CLASP Report Executive Summary
- CLASP AEBG Recommendations - Feedback
- CLASP Proposal for New AEBG Incentive
- Doing What Matters Presentation
- CLASP Report Findings
- Educate and Elevate Campaign
- AEBG Data and Accountability
- California Adult EEducation Data and Accountability System
Regional D & A Trainings
- Fall Regional Data and Accountability Training PowerPoint
- Regional Data and Accountability Training Webinar
- Regional Training Questions and Answers
- SCOE AEBG Assessment Basics Regional Training Video
- SCOE Data and Accountability Regional Training Video
- Spring 2018 AEBG Data and Accountability Refresher Training PowerPoint
- Spring 2018 Data and Accountability Regional Meeting PowerPoint
3 Year Planning Process Data and Accountability Regional Training
The CAEP office, in partnership with WestEd, hosted the Data and Accountability trainings on new data tools to support the consortium 3-year planning processes. These training days were offered in person in each region and focused on three types of data and tools important to planning: Community need and customer segmentation data; Labor market information and supply and demand tools; and the LaunchBoard Adult Education Data Pipeline. Below are PowerPoint presentations and resources from each session of the training.
Human-Centered Design
- 12/7/2018 Human-Centered Design Third Cohort Launch Webinar
- 2019 Adult Education Program Human-Centered Design Training Series
Professional Development
This section provides learning materials from past events (i.e., webinars, conferences, summits) as well other professional development venues (i.e., conferences)
- 12/1/2017 AEBG Consortium Level Oversight (Policy)
- 11/8/2017 AEBG Educate & Elevate: Working with Key Influencer (Marketing)
- 2/10/2017 AEBG Leadership Perspectives
- 1/20/2017 AEBG Regional Training Preview
- 10/4/2017 AEBG TOPSpro Enterprise (TE) End-of-Quarter
- 10/27/2017 Credit Community Colleges in AEBG (Program)
- 9/29/2017 Educate & Elevate Campaign: Working Effectively with the News Media
- 7/14/2017 Educate and Elevate California Campaign: Support for AEBG
- 9/15/2017 Engaging Employers Effectively with the Mission of Adult Education
- 7/12/2017 Planning for Collaborative Professional Learning
- 6/23/2017 Review of the AEBG Annual Plan Template and Fact Sheets
- 8/11/2017 Review of the Annual Plan
- 7/26/2017 TOPSpro Enterprise (TE) Basics: 3rd Party Import Data Exchange/Entering and Editing Student Data
- 8/18/2017 Upcoming Regional Training Highlights
- 1/13/2017 What's Ahead in 2017 with Chris and Debra
California State Leadership Projects
National & State Associations
This section will provide direct access to state and national associations and their conferences such as COABE, TESOL, ISTE, NROC, IDEAL, CUE, etc. that have Adult Education strands.
- Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)
- Association of Community and Continuing Education (ACCE)
- California Adult Education Administrators Association (CAEAA)
- California Council for Adult Education (CCAE)
- Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE)
- Technology Information for Administrators (TICAL)
Student Data Reporting
This section provides learning materials from past events, such as webinars, conferences, summits, etc.