CAEP Summit 20' - Leadership
- 10/29/2020 A Perspective on Immigrant Integration through Community Connections
- 10/29/2020 Case Study: Moving Adult Education to Online Learning
- 10/29/2020 Does the Census Bureau Publish Data on Education?
- 10/29/2020 English Learner Navigation and Co-Enrollment Pilots: Building Blocks for IET
- 10/29/2020 Take NOTE! The new Noncredit Online Teaching Excellence (NOTE) training program.
- 10/28/2020 Bylaws: The Ultimate Driving Machine
- 10/28/2020 Innovative Professional Development: Mentoring for Adult Educators Converting to Online Education
- 10/28/2020 Pathway ESL: One Division's Effort to Meet Individualized Needs
- 10/28/2020 Pathway Innovations: Sector Strategies and Immigrant Integration
- 10/28/2020 SMC’s Successful Journey Into Our New World of Remote Operations and Distance Education
- 10/27/2020 CAEP Update - A Panel Discussion
- 10/27/2020 Funding Formula One
- 10/27/2020 Santa Clara County COVID-19 Bridge to Recovery Program: Reimagining Regional Workforce Development and Training
- 10/26/2020 Dual Enrollment & Co-Enrollment - CAEP 2020
- 10/26/2020 Leadership and Innovation: Theory to Practice for Adult Ed Teachers
- 10/26/2020 Using Data Tables to Make Informed Decisions
- 10/26/2020 Utilizing SB 554 to Enroll Nonresident and Resident HSE and HSD Students in Credit College Courses