
Leadership isn’t about a title. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration.

–Susan Lytle Gilmore, Ph.D., Director of Adult Education, Sacramento City Unified School District
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AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

Program Area Report (Fiscal)

The 17-18 budget bill requirement is to report on those seven program areas that fall under adult education as defined by AB104. This would mean the adult education program area has credentialed teachers, follows existing education code and regulations, and is NOT a community education, community service or contract education program. These fee-based programs are outside of the California Adult Education Program (formerly known as AEBG). Finally, to clarify, K12 or County Office CTE fee-based programs that have credentialed teachers and follow all applicable education code would be considered part of this reporting exercise.

Yes. Please account for all expenses in the seven program areas regardless of fund source. If noncredit apportionment is paying for the cost of faculty, and they are teaching in an of the seven program areas, please include their salary costs for the AEP courses.

We know this is not an exact science. Please work with accounting staff or your business office to come up with an in-kind amount.

Please work with your accounting staff or business office to come up with a fixed overhead cost that you can use for all 30 sites.

There must be a correlation between hours of instruction and expenses. So if they report hours of instruction in ESL, there must be a dollar amount associated with ESL in the expenses table. They cannot report X amount of instructional hours in the Program Area, and leave the expenses for that Program Area blank (or vice versa). This is what we mean by no zero entries. If you report hours of instruction in a program area it must be matched by a dollar amount in that program area on the expense table. For example – last year an adult school reported hours of instruction in ESL, but no expenses. Also, they reported expenses in pre-apprenticeship, but no hours of instruction. This skews the statewide data, and hampers the ability to get an accurate hourly cost.

Fees are not part of NOVA expenditure reporting – only CAEP state allocated funds. You may show these fees in the Program Area report. Interest is also not tracked in NOVA.

Your leveraged funds section is locked until the Program Area Hours section is complete. Since there can be no expenses without hours, entering the hours is what unlocks the funds portion.

CAEP has 7 program areas. This report is going to ask you to report all student hours in those 7 program areas, and the costs associated with supporting those student hours (admin, faculty, books, etc). The funds may be from multiple sources (Noncredit, CalWorks, LCFF, ELL Healthcare, CAEP allocation, other state grants, etc.) You can view the previous years' Program Area Report in NOVA here: This may give you a good starting point to work from. In 22-23, your college only had ABE and ESL as CAEP programs. That may have changed, may not have. CC TAP is the TAP that specializes in Community Colleges. You are welcome to reach out to them for support, if further support is needed. Their direct email is