AEP Questions and Answers
This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.
Program Area Report (Fiscal)
Yes – we are tracking all operational costs regardless of fund source. Therefore, this goes beyond CAEP. This would include any student fees, apportionment, LCFF, grants, donations, etc.
Yes – please include all revenue sources even if they exceed CAEP funding. We are hoping that your true operational costs will exceed the amount of adult education program funding, as it will show how much leveraging of other fund sources our members are doing with their program.
We have a line item in NOVA to report in-kind contributions.
Yes, we want you to include all non-CAEP funds that are used in CAEP program areas.
Because in-kind is determined by the MOU or local agreement, the estimating process may vary. You can check what you reported in your WIOA II financials (if you are a grantee), or check with your business/accounting office on a basic calculation to estimate in-kind services. Just be sure the in-kind is related to the AEP program areas and its operation. According to federal guidelines: for in-kind, you should generally determine the cost using the fair market value and it should be based on standard objective sources rather than best guesses. You should document the basis for determining value of personal services, material, equipment, building, and land.
Yes, if that is the fair market standard in your area (or what your business/accounting office uses).
The Program Area Report only needs to be certified by the consortium lead after the actuals have been submitted. The consortium lead can un-certify the reports for revisions if necessary.
If they are providing services to other members assisting adults in any of the program areas, they should report those funds.
An in-kind contribution is a non-monetary contribution. Goods or services offered free or at less than the usual charge result in an in-kind contribution.
If the funds are used to serve adults in the seven program areas, please report that in NOVA.
It includes any non-monetary contribution – goods or services.
Although the hours might not be able to be reported, if you know how much funding is used to support / serve adults in the seven program areas, please report these funds for this exercise (Program Area Report).
Please use your district methodology for in-kind. You should be using an agreed upon standard that your district uses for in-kind.
Please estimate how much of the funds were used to cover operational costs in 17-18.
Yes – if you already produce reports like this for other programs or grants – and they cover the seven program areas, feel free to use those numbers. WIOA II only covers some of the seven program areas, so you would need to cover all program areas for this exercise.
The 17-18 budget bill requirement is to report on those seven program areas that fall under adult education as defined by AB104. This would mean the adult education program area has credentialed teachers, follows existing education code and regulations, and is NOT a community education, community service or contract education program. These fee-based programs are outside of the California Adult Education Program (formerly known as AEBG). Finally, to clarify, K12 or County Office CTE fee-based programs that have credentialed teachers and follow all applicable education code would be considered part of this reporting exercise.
Yes. Please account for all expenses in the seven program areas regardless of fund source. If noncredit apportionment is paying for the cost of faculty, and they are teaching in an of the seven program areas, please include their salary costs for the AEP courses.
As long as those hours are reported correctly elsewhere - don't be concerned about having no workforce reentry leveraged funds. There is no penalty.
Please work with your Business Office or Accounting staff to obtain a general overhead cost for your AE program. This would be a fixed program cost for any overhead/operating costs (facilities, custodial, safety, utilities, etc.).
We know this is not an exact science. Please work with accounting staff or your business office to come up with an in-kind amount.
Please work with your accounting staff or business office to come up with a fixed overhead cost that you can use for all 30 sites.