AEP Questions and Answers
This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.
Program Area Reporting (Hours)
There is a roll up report that TE has that should provide the correct hours you would report in NOVA. On page 4 of the Budget Bill Reporting Requirement (linked below), it identifies the report to use.
2020-21 Budget Bill Reporting Requirement Final
All data must be submitted in NOVA as follows: • Each consortia member will be asked to submit estimated amounts by September 1, 2021 into NOVA for the following: o Program Year 2020-21 – hours of instruction by program area.
Yes, ASAP is an acceptable attendance system to use to validate student hours for the seven program areas.
Although tracking service hours has been a challenge, we should continue capturing service hours (with the 7 program area descriptors if possible) in attendance systems.
No. Please report actual student hours.
No. You are reporting hours by program area regardless of funding. Therefore, that would include AEP, WIOA, Perkins, SWP, private funds, fees, LCFF, noncredit apportionment, etc. Same logic applies to reporting expenses by fund source. Keep in mind, on the hours; you must have been tracking hours for programs funded by these other fund sources. If the hours were not captured in your attendance system and/or TOPSPro, then you cannot report them for this exercise.
Yes. We are reporting all student hours in the seven program areas. However, many members did not track service hours in their attendance system or did not provide details by program area. We do not want district guessing. The hours data must be backed up or validated by your attendance system.
For K12 and County Office programs, please report any of these instructional hours based on the distance-learning model (where students accrue hours without necessarily being in the classroom or being with the teacher).
If the student is in the classroom and it is an approved course, all hours would be counted towards instructional hours.
Yes. Correct.
Just the seven adult education program areas.
Only report the costs associated with the student enrolled in noncredit. If that is too difficult, you may prorate costs.
If you just mean do you record hours for students receiving distance learning instruction, yes.
If your question is about the more specific issue of needing student signatures (that’s been a big question lately) then no.
I believe this is an area that we need to request a review - title 5 requirements for the HSD.
I recall the time when this policy was adopted and how we had some issues with a consortium, particularly the seat time and residency requirements. It was a quick process and I know ACCE was involved. But as for the seat time, I'm aware that there are broad interpretations of the meaning.
(h) For the purposes of this section, a noncredit course awarding 10 high school
credits must be designed to require a minimum of 144 hours of lecture, study or
laboratory work.
First, 10 HS credits for 144 hours can also be 1 credit at 12 hours and I know may of us apply this practice. But it's the last phrase that has been interpreted differently. Nowhere in the policy does it specifically call out ""seat time"" but rather expectations of ""study."" From my research and discussions over the yeas with other colleges with HSD programs, as we grappled with the hours and seat time issue, I found that faculty from different programs can and have made local determinations of what 12 hours of ""study"" or how much work would 12 hours would require based on the course objectives - regardless of how and where it's done. I have faith in the quality of the college diploma programs and the curriculum and instruction delivered in the event that hours were not part of the policy.
I don't know if there are any changes needed if there is no specific calling out of ""seat time"" but ACCE can explore it through different venues. I believe that now is a good time with solid reasons to request lessening residency requirements and removing the hours language from the policy because of the current focus on completion, acceleration, competency-based education and now the allowance for correspondence education. For us to contribute to our colleges' guided pathways, Regional plan goals, and Vision for Success, policy changes would make it easier and get rid of this lingering issue/question.
It appears that some reports from the Members of your consortium are in draft status. If they have zero hours and are not funded, they still have a responsibility to go into NOVA, select the box that indicates they do not need to complete the report, ' I am not required to complete Program Area Reporting.' Once you select that and save, the "Certify" button should become available.
Please reach out to us with the name of the Member and supporting details so we can check if that Member has the necessary permissions to submit on behalf of their agency.
El Civics do not count as Workforce Preparation. El Civics is part of the ESL bucket. Workforce Preparation classes (or Job Skills) are educational programs and services that provide short-term workforce skills, such as job search strategies, interview skills, digital literacy, and career planning necessary for a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education and training. What Workforce Preparation is not, is training that will get you a job. It's skills that help you qualify for a job, but not a certificate that helps them get a job. I hope that makes sense.
The Member did the report for 24-25. They will need to do the same for 23-24 and submit that year. Once submitted, you will be able to certify.
"All agencies must submit, even if they do not receive funds. If you are non-funded and or not providing instructional hours within the CAEP areas, there will be a checkbox located under the pre-populated Launchboard data that says “I am not required to complete the Program Area Report”. Please check that box and then indicate in the textbox why you are not required to complete. Once done, please submit so your consortium can complete the certification.
Disregard the Launchboard data as it is prepopulated from previous years and is intended to be information and does not require action nor does it impact your report. "
For members who receive no funding, they must check the box just below the pre-populated Launchboard data and just above the hours they would enter themselves. That box states that they are not required to complete this report. Upon clicking that box, a text box will open where they say why they aren't required to submit "not a funded member", or something along those lines.
Once it is certified, you cannot decertify. The Program Area Report is intended for 12 or more hours of instruction in the CAEP approved areas, unfortunately at this time services are not reported out. The prepopulated data from Launchboard is informational only and to indicate areas where instructional hours were reported in the past. The State is aware this data is outdated and may be inaccurate. Your deliverable is to enter hours of instruction only, for the CAEP program areas. To access your TOPSpro data hours of instruction run the Program Area Hours report. If your agency uses another system for reportable hours, you can utilize that as well or in lieu of. Be sure not to duplicate hours for students and remember this report is indicate CAEP areas of instruction, hours served, and the cost associated for programs.
It appears as if only two of your members have completed it. This is not something that is populated for them. Each member must complete it. The members that have 0's showing need to go in and complete their report. Once they complete their hours of instruction and leveraged funds section, they will submit actuals, and you will be able to see their figures and certify. It is decertified until all submit, and you click to certify.
They can go into the Program Area Report and un-submit, update that section and resubmit. Then they finish typing what they would like to say, please ask them to hit the Next button in the upper right of the screen. It is possible just clicking on the next section didn't save their entry. The Next button should save each page and then they can click Next again until they are able to Submit on the Preview page.
You are added as a contact for each member of the Citrus consortium. That allows you to enter data.
You are not a member of each agency in your city. If you add yourself as a contact to each of the city's agencies, you will be able to assist them.
You should be able to go to their agency and click ""Add contact"" and then enter your name and just make yourself a Contact level person.
Launchboard data is out of date. If you see at the top, it is pulling from 21-22. You are working on 23-24 data. There was also some system error where the two systems (MIS and Launchboard or TE and Launchboard) didn't communicate properly, so information is showing inaccurately. Please have districts use their primary data source (TE or MIS) and just list the data source used in the explanation box.
To report hours of instruction, members are to use the TOPSpro® Enterprise CAEP 2023-24 member reports by program area, their agency’s attendance system, and the community college district’s apportionment attendance reports generated from the CCFS-320 Reporting System for noncredit FTES. To report leveraged funds, use your district's accounting records. Linked HERE is the memo for the Program Area Report guidance for your convenience.
The PAR does not have an entry for number of students. The only entries allowed are hours of instruction and costs per program area.