
Leadership isn’t about a title. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration.

–Susan Lytle Gilmore, Ph.D., Director of Adult Education, Sacramento City Unified School District
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AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

Use of Funds

Per the Fiscal Management Guide, it states, CAEP funds cannot be co-mingled with fee-based programs. In this case, since the truck is proposed to be used as part of a fee-based service, the truck cannot be used. See except below. Unfortunately, per the Fees Policy section in the Fiscal Management Handbook on pages 15 and 16:

  1. Program Fees

... In addition, community college community education fee based programs (community education and contract education) cannot be co-mingled, leveraged or braided with CAEP funds. Title V regulations, and education code prevent community college fee based programs to be combined with any state apportioned program (like CAEP). However, these programs can work with regional consortium for student referrals to meet regional needs.

You can view the Fiscal Management Guide here:

We suggest using other funding sources because this could be considered a gift of public funds, which is against the funding rules for AEBG/CAEP.

CAEP covers only noncredit and K-12 adult education. Using CAEP funds for not-for-credit (aka community service / community education) is not allowable. Not-for-Credit has its own education code and they can charge fees, they don’t need Chancellor’s Office approval, but they have to be self-sustaining (meaning they can’t use general funds (like noncredit apportionment or CAEP funds)).

Noncredit rules do not apply. Community Ed/Services or Not-for-Credit rules or ed code will apply in this case (EC 78300)

Not-for-credit courses can charge a fee, but any fee cannot exceed the cost of maintaining the class (EC 78300).

This is not an allowable use of funds. This would be considered a gift of public funds. The best solution would be to find another funding source that is able to cover the expenses.

Some notable points to consider to determine if this is an allowable expense:

· Since CAEP is restricted funding, the CAEP office would need more specifics about the student worker position/duties to determine if its allowable.

· Would need to specify what the student worker role/duties would entail and the specific program it would work under.

· Not all noncredit programming is covered by CAEP so that would be a red flag.

· CAEP funds would have to be restricted to only CAEP programming.

This language is from the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide. The funds could be used to pay for staff who work to support CAEP and within the seven program areas. However, student worker positions in community colleges can depend on the specific factors listed above. Along with it being listed in their 3 year plan, annual plan, and the position works to support CAEP programming directly.

CAEP Fiscal Management Guide reference:

(Pg 11)

• Funds may only be expended within the seven program areas as prescribed in the CAEP education code (Section 84913).

• Each regional consortium must have an approved 3-year consortia plan that includes any amendments (submitted in Year 1 – 19/22).

• Expenditure of CAEP Funds must align with the annual plan as approved by the regional consortium for that specific year.

• All CAEP expenditures must be reasonable and justifiable. “Reasonable” means that expenditures will be made prudently and with every effort to utilize funds efficiently. “Justifiable” means that expenditures are consistent with CAEP program goals and activities related to the seven program areas as identified in the CAEP Program budget language.

(Pg 12) All allowable costs must meet three primary criteria:

• Substantiate that the cost was necessary and reasonable for proper and effective administration of the allocations.

• The cost must be allocable to the funding source activities.

• The cost must not be a general expense required to carry out the consortia member’s overall responsibilities (i.e. not supplanting).

• However, even if the costs meet the prior three criteria, the costs must be approved within the 3-year consortia plan and the annual plan template of the regional consortia as agreed upon by its membership.

Examples of Allowable Expenses by CAEP Types of Activities

(Pg 45)

Supplemental instruction and tutoring: Purchase of a web-based interactive program of supplemental instruction for CAEP. Purchase of training videos, or online training videos, or similar that supplement CAEP instruction. Direct tutoring to adult education students in CAEP areas. Supplemental instruction for CAEP students. Salary of teaching assistants assisting CAEP instructors.

Coordination: Salary of CAEP coordinator, or assistants, or project leads for hours of service provided, not to supplant a teaching salary. Cost of seminars to raise CAEP awareness among faculty. Cost of a consultant providing services to create, coordinate, and implement CAEP programs.

Example of Expenses Not Allowed or that Need Prior Approval (specific to CAEP) include, but are not limited to:

  1. Other Staff Salaries and Benefits
    Program funds cannot be used to pay for any staff that does not directly support the CAEP services described in the consortium’s approved plan.

Based on the notable points, more information is needed and input acknowledging that the Fiscal Management Language is being met.

All capital outlay requests require an informational email stating the following has/promise it will, occur:

  1. Consortium has approved the capital outlay and expense (provide date item was approved)
  2. The project aligns with the Three-Year/Annual Plan for the consortium
  3. Provide the quote for work done
  4. The member must follow all state & local policies and procedures related to capital outlay. This would include district facilities approval, following procurement processes, and notification of state agency facility departments.

Once the expense is approved and aligns with the consortium plans, the consortium lead will need to submit an informational email/request via the Support Ticket system to CAEP TAP. Please attach the quote, if one is available, and acknowledgement of item #4.

The CAEP Office will review and reach out if they have any further questions. The email is informational only, so if CAEP does not reach back out with questions, you are welcome to move forward with the planning of the project.

Yes – using the NOVA allocation amendment, you can move funding to the Adult School.

Hopefully, the cost the adult school is paying for the roof replacement covers their share of the facility – meaning the CAEP funds used are benefiting only CAEP programs. The CAEP Office cannot allow CAEP funds to benefit non-CAEP programs.

They must use their districts procurement policies and procedures.
Since you are moving carry-over or prior year funds in NOVA via the allocation amendment, the fiscal agent will have to facilitate the transfer of actual funds from one member to the adult school. NOVA tracks, records, updates, and displays – but the members have to move the money physically from one member to the other member.

Per the CAEP Fiscal Management Guide, Section 8 on Capital Outlay Guidance “Capital outlay expenditures need to be submitted by the requesting Member-district to the consortium’s governing board for review and approval. Once the consortium has reviewed, approved, and established that the expenditures are aligned with the Consortium’s three-year plan, the consortium will send an informational email to the CAEP Office to inform them of the proposed expenditures.”

Once the amendment is complete, the adult school will update their member work plan and budget to reflect the additional funds (and their use). They will handle all reporting of these funds.

CAEP does not stipulate how expenditures are classified. The only stipulation CAEP has is that expenditures for construction/remodeling/and the like is a Capital Outlay (6000 object code) expense. For expenses that may be over a certain dollar amount, please defer to the district policy for how those expenses are categorized internally. CAEP reporting lists all 6000s as one, no matter the dollar amount.

In response to your inquiry of using CAEP funds to buy food to run the ESL café and offer a related CTE contextualized course:

Current education code and existing guidelines….

CAEP funds are restricted funds and cannot be used to purchase food.
CAEP funds can be used to purchase material and supplies for courses in the seven CAEP program area (ABE/ASE, ESL/Civics, CTE (vocational, workforce prep, & pre-apprenticeship), Adults with Disabilities, and K-12 Success).
When using CAEP funds, districts must follow their procurement policies and procedures.
Fund 11, which is set up for Adult Education, typically cannot be used to account for business type transactions.
The district would need to use a revolving fund (or some other approved mechanism) to account for the ESL Café operations, which typically involves the districts policies and procedures, and perhaps their governing board, on how and where to account for these transactions.

Recommendation: The CDE Adult Education Office recommends that the Adult School be allowed to use CAEP funds for materials and supplies related to its CTE and/or contextualized courses. The ESL Café should be operated separately by the district, and would not be allowed to use CAEP funds in its operation. The district must manage this partnership and create a fiscal firewall between the CTE/contextualized course(s) and the operation of the ESL Café. Adult Education (Fund 11) cannot be used to account for business transactions. The district would need to follow its current policies and procedures to account for the ESL Café operations expenditures and income through a revolving fund (or other approved mechanism).

Should the district need accounting transactions guidance, they can contact our CDE School Fiscal Services

Upon reviewing the appropriate documents, this would not be an appropriate use of CAEP funds. Covering the costs of student fingerprinting, providing them free supply kits that leave the program – are considered a gift of public funds – and not allowable under CAEP. There is no fee waiver for such costs in the community college student fee handbook

What would be allowable is if they loan students items that could be checked and returned at the end of the semester. In this case, fingerprinting and a cosmetology supply kit, wouldn’t be something that could be loaned out (like a textbook would). Some community colleges are using CARES/HEERF grants to students to pay for health career education classes (CNA, EMT, Med Asst., etc.). In addition, some colleges have sent students to the AJCCs (America’s Job Center of CA) to obtain training funds to pay for such costs.

In summary, CAEP funds would not be an allowable use is this case.

Those activities are not allowable with CAEP funds. It would be considered a gift of public funds. The guidelines/policies can be found in the Fiscal Management Guide on the CAEP website here

Yes – that’s fine. If you didn’t receive the funds during the time period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, then please do not report those expenses.

Please check the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing for the requirements. You can visit their website here

While there is no specific language that states LEAs are not required to approve each individual expenditure, language is there that says all expenditures must be laid out in the Annual and 3 Year Plan, which the members approve. If the cost is not in the Annual/3 Year Plan, it is not approved and cannot be expended. If it is in the plan(s), approval was already received when they approved the plan(s) and no further approval is needed.

The Allowable Uses of Adult Education Block Grant Funds section of the Fiscal Management Guide:

All allowable costs must meet three primary criteria:
1) Substantiate that the cost was necessary and reasonable for proper and effective administration of the allocations.

The CHSPE is valid in the state and considered equivalent to a high school diploma, which allows CAEP funds to be used.

Depending on the learners goals there are some considerations when advising them on next steps:

The CHSPE is only a test offered in CA. A learner that is 18 or older should probably take the GED or HiSET based on how well known these tests are outside of CA

Some adult learners may want to take the CHSPE because there is no maximum age and only has Math and ELA sections, where the GED/HiSET include history, social studies, and science.

Regarding using CAEP funds for GED testing, depending on how the district processes the request, it could be a gift of public funds. Please check if your district has policies and procedures to assist students on paying for testing. The district would have to follow some equitable arrangement to see if the most in need receive the service. It is advised to get the district approval in writing and keep it on file.

Per the CAEP Fee's Policy, career and technical education
(CTE) programs include the following: 1) Short term CTE with high employment potential; 2)Adults, including but NOT limited to older adults, entering or re-entering the workforce; and
3) Pre- apprenticeship conducted in coordination with one or more DAS approved apprenticeship programs.

Career and technical education programs offered by K12 adult
schools are considered part of the CAEP program, but K12 adult school providers are allowed to charge fees for these programs. K12 adult CTE programs are subject to all state requirements under CAEP including course approval, credentialing, andstudent data reporting. The K12 adult CTE student fee structure must be included in the consortia annual plan.

The Fiscal Management Guide and CAEP Fees Policy can be found on the CAEP website at

This is not an allowable use of CAEP Funds. Although the Fiscal Management Guide does not list legal fees specifically, it is classified the same as Fees and Penalties, which is item# 7 on the last page of the Guide. It states:

Fines and Penalties Costs resulting from violations of, or failure of the institution to comply with, Federal, State, and local or foreign laws and regulations are unallowable, except when incurred as a result of compliance with specific provisions of the sponsored agreement, or instructions in writing from the authorized official of the sponsoring agency authorizing in advance such payments

Additionally, on page 12 it states: all CAEP expenditures must be reasonable and justifiable. “Reasonable” means that expenditures will be made prudently and with every effort to utilize funds efficiently. “Justifiable” means that expenditures are consistent with CAEP program goals and activities related to the seven program areas as identified in the CAEP Program budget language.

Legal fees pertaining to a former employee are not considered reasonable or justifiable, per CAEP Statute.

Per the guidance from the State, the proposed expenditure of mileage reimbursement for students appears to be a gifting of public funds, which is nonallowable under CAEP.

Please note that ultimately CAEP regional consortia members are responsible for allocation decisions. CAEP expenditures must be reasonable and justifiable. In this context, “reasonable” means that expenditures will be made prudently and with every effort to utilize funds efficiently, and “justifiable” means that expenditures are consistent with CAEP program goals and activities related to the seven program areas as identified in the CAEP Program budget language.

As outlined in the CAEP Fiscal Management Guidance, ensuring all allowable costs must meet three primary criteria (p. 12):

1) Substantiate that the cost was necessary and reasonable for proper and effective administration of the allocations.
2) The cost must be allocable to the funding source activities.
3) The cost must not be a general expense required to carry out the consortia member’s overall responsibilities (i.e. not supplanting).

Indirect is used for any costs that do not directly touch the program, such as business office staff time, possibly an overseeing administrator's time, etc. Direct program costs are the principal, teachers, materials, etc. Indirect costs are all the items behind the scenes. They should use indirect for that staff time, not pull it from the general CAEP funds.

Each member is allowed to put 5% of their allocation, or their approved indirect rate, whichever is LESS, towards indirect expenses. They will budget for that in the Budget and Workplan. Please keep in mind that the amount of indirect budgeted is pulled from their allocation. It is not additional funds given.

Districts have the authority to pay student fees using California College Promise (AB 19) funds. The payment of student fees would definitely meet the goals of the legislation.

Books are to be loaned to students, unless it is a consumable workbook. There should always be an expectation that the books will be returned. If they are not then that is up to the agency to determine their process for lost materials.

Per the CAEP Office, this request is considered furniture and space improvement. Furniture and space improvement is an allowable expense under CAEP. CAEP advises you to follow the part in the fiscal guidance that says ""reasonable and necessary."" In addition, the CAEP advises you to follow the district's process for requesting a reasonable accommodation - like a medical note, etc.

One question to keep in mind is - what happens if that employee moves on to another office within the district and is no longer working with adult education - does the desk follow the employee? What's the district's policy for this scenario? Please refer to the district's policy if its a reasonable accommodation.

There are certain requirements that are essential for using adult education funds.

  1. Adult Education funds can only be used on students 18 years or older (so you can't serve continuously enrolled high school students).
  2. Members must report student data & outcomes in the TOPSPro system (if K12 adult or County Office).
  3. Members must participate in the planning & budgeting process via NOVA (3 year plan & annual plan).
  4. Member funds must be expended in the seven program areas, and services provided must be consistent with the annual & 3-year plan.
  5. Member expenditures of adult ed funds must match the objectives and activities included in the Annual Plan.
  6. Members must participate in consortium/public meetings and be a part of the decision-making process.
  7. Members must share information on programs offered, and the resources being used to support the programs.
  8. Members must provide services that address the needs identified in the annual & 3-year plan.
  9. Members must file quarterly expense reports, and certify consortium fiscal processing of funds (CFADs, amendments).

So provided that you are following all these requirements, you are allowed access to adult education funds.

Please note: if the construction shop or other CTE programs are used by both HS students and adult students, than the use of adult education funds would have to be pro-rated based on enrollment numbers as to what is an allowable use of funds (we would want to avoid supplanting funds). No sure the cost of the expansion, but would you be able to offer courses during the renovations?

There are certain requirements that are essential for using adult education funds.

  1. Adult Education funds can only be used on students 18 years or older (so you can't serve continuously enrolled high school students).
  2. Members must report student data & outcomes in the TOPSPro system (if K12 adult or County Office).
  3. Members must participate in the planning & budgeting process via NOVA (3 year plan & annual plan).
  4. Member funds must be expended in the seven program areas, and services provided must be consistent with the annual & 3-year plan.
  5. Member expenditures of adult ed funds must match the objectives and activities included in the Annual Plan.
  6. Members must participate in consortium/public meetings and be a part of the decision-making process.
  7. Members must share information on programs offered, and the resources being used to support the programs.
  8. Members must provide services that address the needs identified in the annual & 3 year plan.
  9. Members must file quarterly expense reports, and certify consortium fiscal processing of funds (CFADs, amendments).

So provided that you are following all these requirements, you are allowed access to adult education funds.

Please note: if the construction shop or other CTE programs are used by both HS students and adult students, than the use of adult ed funds would have to be pro-rated based on enrollment numbers as to what is an allowable use of funds (we would want to avoid supplanting funds).

As long as those students are 18 years old and separated from the high school - and you get consortium approval (and share those renovations through the State CAEP Office) - you're good.

Here's the fiscal guide on capital outlay.

  1. Capital Outlay
    Any capital outlay (including building improvements, rental space, leases, construction, etc.) will also be closely scrutinized. It will require that you notify the CAEP Office of your consortium’s (including any member in that consortium) intent. This is an informational e-mail only. The CAEP Office reserves the right to ask questions regarding any purchase and can prohibit any activity that it deems not meeting the reasonable and justifiable criteria. The member must follow all state & local policies and procedures related to capital outlay. This would include district facilities approval, following procurement processes, and notification of state agency facility departments.

Capital outlay expenditures need to be submitted by the requesting Member-district to the consortium’s governing board for review and approval. Once the consortium has reviewed, approved, and established that the expenditures are aligned with the Consortium’s 3-year plan, the consortium will send an informational email to the CAEP Office to inform them of the proposed expenditures.

Please see the CAEP policy on fees. The CAEP policy on fees only covers CAEP program areas. Older adults, community education, and some parent education are not covered under CAEP therefore CAEP funds cannot be used for these programs, with the exception parent education, which could fall under K12 Success.

The CAEP memo only covers tuition, not material fees. Providers are advised to check with CDE for material fees questions.

No – CAEP funds cannot be used for non-CAEP programs. CAEP has not been flexed – so they are still restricted funds for K12 adult /noncredit use. No language nor legislation has been passed by the legislature and signed by the governor that allows for this flexibility.

CAEP funds can be used as long as the building is used by CAEP programs. If there are other non-CAEP programs at the site (community ed, older adults, credit community college, etc.) – then it must be a shared cost/split funded.

CAEP funds can be used to provide support services (like childcare) for adults attending CAEP classes in the CAEP program areas. The childcare would be limited to those hours that the adult is attending a CAEP funded class.

Please refer to Program Fee Policy / Fiscal Management Guide (Page 15) for fee-related queries. There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy. Providing the medical assistant program fits into your CTE offering than you should be able to collect fees and use CAEP funds. Fiscal Management Guide (Updated March 2023) . Program Fees Current fee policy for CAEP is identified in CDE’s Management Bulletin Management Bulletin AEFLA-02-2013 (for K-12 district and County Office of Education), and the Community College Student Fee Handbook (for community college districts). In addition, community college community education fee-based programs (community education and contract education) cannot be co-mingled, leveraged or braided with CAEP funds. Title V regulations, and education code prevent community college fee-based programs to be combined with any state apportioned program (like CAEP). However, these programs can work with regional 15 consortium for student referrals to meet regional needs. Effective July 1, 2018, please reference the CAEP fees policy on the CAEP website. The policy states that no tuition may be charged or collected in the following CAEP program areas by either community colleges or K12 adult schools (ABE, ASE, ESL, AWD, and K-12 Success). There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy. CAEP Fee Policy

Please refer to Program Fee Policy / Fiscal Management Guide (Page 15) for fee-related queries. There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy. Providing the medical assistant program fits into your CTE offering than you should be able to collect fees and use CAEP funds. Fiscal Management Guide (Updated March 2023) - Program Fees Current fee policy for CAEP is identified in CDE’s Management Bulletin Management Bulletin AEFLA-02-2013 (for K-12 district and County Office of Education), and the Community College Student Fee Handbook (for community college districts). In addition, community college community education fee-based programs (community education and contract education) cannot be co-mingled, leveraged or braided with CAEP funds. Title V regulations, and education code prevent community college fee-based programs to be combined with any state apportioned program (like CAEP). However, these programs can work with regional 15 consortium for student referrals to meet regional needs. Effective July 1, 2018, please reference the CAEP fees policy on the CAEP website. The policy states that no tuition may be charged or collected in the following CAEP program areas by either community colleges or K12 adult schools (ABE, ASE, ESL, AWD, and K-12 Success). There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy.

When it comes to fees, Please find below the program fees policy and a link to the fiscal management guide where you can view program fees on page 15. There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy. Providing the medical assistant program fits into your CTE offering than you should be able to collect fees and use CAEP funds. See references below.

Fiscal Management Guide (Updated March 2023)

  1. Program Fees Current fee policy for CAEP is identified in CDE’s Management Bulletin Management Bulletin AEFLA-02-2013 (for K-12 district and County Office of Education), and the Community College Student Fee Handbook (for community college districts). In addition, community college community education fee based programs (community education and contract education) cannot be co-mingled, leveraged or braided with CAEP funds. Title V regulations, and education code prevent community college fee based programs to be combined with any state apportioned program (like CAEP). However, these programs can work with regional 15 consortium for student referrals to meet regional needs. Effective July 1, 2018, please reference the CAEP fees policy on the CAEP website. The policy states that no tuition may be charged or collected in the following CAEP program areas by either community colleges or K12 adult schools (ABE, ASE, ESL, AWD, and K-12 Success). There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy.

CAEP Fee Policy

When it comes to fees, please refer to Program Fee Policy / Fiscal Management Guide (Page 15). There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy. Providing the medical assistant program fits into your CTE offering than you should be able to collect fees and use CAEP funds. See references below. Fiscal Management Guide (Updated March 2023) 5. Program Fees Current fee policy for CAEP is identified in CDE’s Management Bulletin Management Bulletin AEFLA-02-2013 (for K-12 district and County Office of Education), and the Community College Student Fee Handbook (for community college districts). In addition, community college community education fee based programs (community education and contract education) cannot be co-mingled, leveraged or braided with CAEP funds. Title V regulations, and education code prevent community college fee based programs to be combined with any state apportioned program (like CAEP). However, these programs can work with regional 15 consortium for student referrals to meet regional needs. Effective July 1, 2018, please reference the CAEP fees policy on the CAEP website. The policy states that no tuition may be charged or collected in the following CAEP program areas by either community colleges or K12 adult schools (ABE, ASE, ESL, AWD, and K-12 Success). There is a K-12 Adult School exception for CTE – but please go to the website and review the policy. CAEP Fee Policy

Yes, you can. As long as the purchase is for a CAEP Program Area and will only benefit CAEP students. If the lab will be shared by credit and non-credit, the price of the project will need to be split according to the usage split. If only CAEP funds are used, the district will need to acknowledge that it is only for use of CAEP students. You will need to follow the Capital Outlay steps defined by CAEP: All capital outlay requests require an informational email stating the following has/promise it will, occur: Consortium has approved the capital outlay and expense (provide date item was approved). The project aligns with the Three-Year/Annual Plan for the consortium, Provide the quote for work done, The member must follow all state & local policies and procedures related to capital outlay. This would include district facilities approval, following procurement processes, and notification of state agency facility departments. Once the expense is approved and aligns with the consortium plans, the consortium lead will need to submit an informational email/request via the Support Ticket system to CAEP TAP. Please attach the quote, if one is available, and acknowledgement of item #4. The CAEP Office will review and reach out if they have any further questions. The email is informational only, so if CAEP does not reach back out with questions, you are welcome to move forward with the planning of the project.

All capital outlay requests require an informational email stating the following has/promise it will, occur:
*Consortium has approved the capital outlay and expense (provide date item was approved)
*The project aligns with the Three-Year/Annual Plan for the consortium
*Provide (attach) the quote for work done
*The member must follow all state & local policies and procedures related to capital outlay.
This would include district facilities approval, following procurement processes, and notification of state agency facility departments. Once the expense is approved and aligns with the consortium plans, the consortium lead will need to submit an informational email/request via the Support Ticket system to CAEP TAP. Please attach the quote, if one is available, and acknowledgement of item #4. The CAEP Office will review and reach out if they have any further questions. The email is informational only, so if CAEP does not reach back out with questions, you are welcome to move forward with the planning of the project.

The CAEP Fiscal Management Guide (2023) states: Food and Beverages - funds can be used to provide food or non-alcoholic beverages for students or staff, provided that there is no local board policy prohibiting these costs. Food and beverage costs must be for activities or functions consistent with the objectives of the CAEP 3-year Consortia Plan and the Annual Plan. Funds cannot be used to pay for general activities such as open houses or other events not directly related to CAEP. Generally, if you have a sign-in sheet and an agenda that includes CAEP-specific items, this would be approved. For students, this might be an exit survey or focus group around CAEP programming. For staff, this might be a planning meeting, a PD Day, etc.

You would send the Capital Outlay request to us via an email or support request, and we forward for review to the CAEP leadership. All capital outlay requests require an informational email stating the following has/promise it will, occur: - Consortium has approved the capital outlay and expense (provide date item was approved) - The project aligns with the Three-Year/Annual Plan for the consortium - Provide the quote for work done (you have, but just reattached to the new email) - The member must follow all state & local policies and procedures related to capital outlay. This would include district facilities approval, following procurement processes, and notification of state agency facility departments. - Once the expense is approved and aligns with the consortium plans, the consortium lead will need to submit an informational email/request via the Support Ticket system to CAEP TAP. Please attach the quote, if one is available, and acknowledgement of item #4. - The CAEP Office will review and reach out if they have any further questions. The email is informational only, so if CAEP does not reach back out with questions, you are welcome to move forward with the planning of the project.

"Yes, these items would be permissible so long as the items would be used for outreach, deemed ""reasonable"" (according to CAEP Fiscal Guidance 2023), and are part of your consortium annual and three-year plans.

Alternatively, it is not permissible for funds to be used to purchase clothing for individual students such as jackets, sweatshirts, or tee shirts (gift of funds). However, clothing for a classroom is permissible – i.e. aprons for a culinary class, welding helmets, etc.

Refer to the CAEP Fiscal Guidance 2023 for more information.