AEP Questions and Answers
This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.
Charter schools do not meet the education code requirements for CAEP consortium membership and therefore CDEs legal opinion on charter schools – consortia are not required to allow charter schools to join the consortium.
Per the guidance, when a district submits their expenses it has been reviewed and approved by the district business/ accounting office. The consortium lead only checks to see if the expenses are in line with the overall consortium plan and the district annual plan. We do not want consortium leads responsible for approving or reviewing expenditures as that opens them up to all kinds of responsibility. But in other consortia, member share their expenses with each other and discuss openly what they are spending their funds on.
Yes, any Member Representative assigned to a member agency and given authority to vote on behalf of that institution, must be approved by the institution's governing board. Their approval must be notated in the minutes of that board meeting and kept on file if ever needed. No Member Representative is allowed to cast a vote for an agency without such board approval.