
My teachers became my second family. They made me feel a part of something bigger for the first time in my life.

– Juan, Vista Adult School

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.


Members do not have access to edit the three-year plan. Only the Primary Consortium Contact has editing abilities.

We created a Word template of the plan for leads to give to their members, collect that data and input it for them. It is available on our website under the Administrator tab, three-year plan section.

The Three-Year Plan is set up in sections. You can work in sections, click next, skip a section, go to another and work, etc. It is always a good practice to have the answers in another format that can be copied and pasted into the template. This will ensure no data is lost.

There is a print/email option. Most printers give you the option to "print" to PDF. An email went out to all consortia leads and it included the steps below.

To print/email a PDF:
1. Print landscape with custom scale at 90%
2. Print portrait with custom scale to 70%

You can choose all of them if you wish. First, you select one and click to add. It will be added under the drop-down menu. Then you can go back to the drop-down menu and select another, etc. It's one at a time, but you can choose as many as you want.

Primary contacts are the only individuals who are able to enter 3 Year Plan information. A suggestion would be have the members input their information into the template and then you or another primary contact enter the data in NOVA.

Only Consortium-level Primary Contacts in NOVA will have the ability to complete the Annual Plan template.

Adult Education roots lie in a tradition of equity and a history that began with classes to provide English instruction for adults to help immigrants take part in a growing American economy. The murder of George Floyd has reignited the pain and outrage due to the systemic racial injustices that still exist in our country. CAEP has a role and the ability to make a difference as our regional funding formula is based on need – no high school diploma, limited English proficiency, low income, low-literacy, and unemployment. Unfortunately, these need categories impact people of color disproportionately.

Consortia in their executive summaries should describe any plans to examine the issue of their role in addressing systemic racial injustices within their membership and partners. We would encourage consortia and their members to examine the adult education student journeys by demographics. Are some groups progressing and succeeding faster than other groups? If yes, what are the reasons? What strategies and student supports can your consortium and its members use to ensure equitable student progress and success? Utilize available resources such as TOPSPro student reports, LaunchBoard regional and district data sets, and other assessments.

If the Annual Plan has not yet been approved by all members, a member who has not yet approved it will need to Reject it, thus sending it back to you. This will put the Annual Plan back into pre-submittal status so that changes can be made. If the Annual Plan has already been approved by all members, only the consortium certifying authority will have access to make changes by clicking the "Amend" button.

More space cannot be given in the Annual Plan template in NOVA. The workaround to this will be to trim down the executive summary to fit the character limit in NOVA, then create a Word document and add all of the language desired for the Executive Summary. The Word document will be saved as a PDF and upload it in the Supporting Documents section of NOVA, which is directly under the Annual Plan section.

The annual plan for the new year is listed in NOVA. It’s the same as last year. The State is planning for possible changes next year to the annual plan narrative. If a change happens, Leads and Members will be notified via email.