
My teachers became my second family. They made me feel a part of something bigger for the first time in my life.

– Juan, Vista Adult School

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

Program / Course

Whenever the governing board of a school district, county offices of education, joint powers authority, or community college district that maintains an adult education program (for adults) is unable to maintain the program, school or classes within the district because of the lack of facilities, or its inability to secure a teacher or teachers, the board may with the approval of its respective governing bodies (County Superintendent, College District President, and State Agencies) maintain the school or classes of the district elsewhere than within the district or contract with the governing board of another district for the instruction of students in such a school or classes. (For K-12 districts, the governing bodies would be the county superintendent of schools and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. For community college districts, it would be governing boards from the affected districts.)

All courses in the seven AEP program areas must be approved using the existing state agency and local governing board course approval process. There are no exceptions, as all AEP members must use their respective course approval process.

A course of study in each adult school is subject to the approval of the CDE (EC 51056). The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall establish course approval criteria and procedures for securing course and program approvals (EC 52506). For course approval, all adult schools are required annually to submit to the CDE a list of titles of classes to be offered in the authorized program areas. The CDE’s approval of the list is required; authorized apportionment course titles are listed in the Adult Education Course Approval System (A-22).

The governing board of every school district shall prepare and keep on file for public inspection the courses of study prescribed for the schools under its jurisdiction (EC 51040). Any revised educational program shall conform to the legal requirements (EC 51041). The governing board of every school district shall evaluate its educational program and shall make revisions, as it deems necessary (EC 51041). Classes for adults shall conform to any course of study and graduation requirements otherwise imposed by law or under the authority of law (EC 52504). A course of study for each adult school shall be prepared under the direction of the governing board of the district maintaining the adult school and shall be subject to approval of the CDE (EC 51056).

Community Colleges
The local curriculum committee approves all noncredit courses and programs. The local curriculum committee conducting the review has been established by the mutual agreement of the college and/or district administration and the academic senate. The committee is either a committee of the academic senate or a committee that includes faculty and is otherwise comprised in a way that is mutually agreeable to the college and/or district administration and academic senate. All courses shall be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office on forms provided by the Chancellor’s Office. A clear description of the course must be published in the general catalog and/or addenda to the catalog and in the college’s schedule.

No. A Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) program cannot be offered without approval by the Chancellor’s Office, nor may a program that has not been approved by the Chancellor’s Office be referred to as a Certificate of Completion or a Certificate of Competency.

Pursuant to Education Code and California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 5, all CDCP “enhanced funding” courses and programs must be approved by the Chancellor’s Office, regardless of whether or not the community college is part of an AEP consortium.

Statutory requirements for CDCP programs are described in the Community College Apportionment and Program Based Funding statutes of the Education Code. Specifically, Section 84750.5 describes CDCP funding requirements and Section 84760.5 sets forth the instructional requirements for program approval.

CCR Title 5 sets forth specific requirements concerning the Chancellor’s Office approval of noncredit curriculum in Sections 58160, 55150, and 55155.

There is no rule or regulations that would prevent a K-12 adult school and a community college from offering the same class or program within the consortium’s region. The k-12 adult school and the community college can offer the same HSE program. But it would be good practice to see what the need is in the region, and strategize together on the best way to offer that program & related services.

I am still looking for regulations among colleges as I think there may be restrictions between community college. But that appears to be for another question.

Yes, the CDE has a formal Course Approval process. LEAs providing adult education must have their course outlines approved by their local board, and on record with the California Department of Education Adult Education Office.
The Course Approval system is available in the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting site at Non-WIOA-AEFLA Agencies without login credentials may view the entire course list and descriptions if they wish. They can do so by selecting "Course Approvals" link on the bottom left hand side of the home page. Follow the links to: "Approved Course list" and then "View Entire Course List." This will give them a chance to review all the courses and descriptions available, or print out the list for reference without having to select each course description as they are selecting courses for approval. To use the course selection process, you must go back to the homepage and put in your login and password for your agency.
The 15 CTE Industry Sectors are arranged in alphabetical order. Under each industry sector, you can view the list of pathways along with the description. The naming convention for the CTE class that an agency puts on their course schedule or brochure does not make a difference to us, so long as it fits within one of the Industry Sector and pathway.

There is no specific legal requirement for a one hour face-to-face weekly meeting with a teacher for independent study. Independent study courses may be done in a classroom setting, on-line, or a combination of both. Independent study is made on the basis of the student's "product" (study or academic work), assessed by a competent, certificated employee of the district. Refer to California Education Code Section 51747. Having said that, it is good practice for students to check in with IS the instructor be it weekly or bimonthly. This is something you can include in the Independent Study master agreement with the student.
For additional information, I have provided a link below that contains frequently asked questions on Independent Study (see also section on Adults).

If the CTE courses are not available in the K-12, and proper parental permission is provided, then it is OK for 17 year old students to enroll in CTE courses provided by the Adult School. Again, if there is a big demand for these courses, then adults have priority. Additionally, the K-12 should help provide funding for these courses through K-12 apportionment because the credits earned by the K-12 students should help lead to high school diplomas. The whole purpose of having K-12 and Adult Education CTE courses available for both is to tap into the economies of scale asset and teacher expertise of working together.

These would only be considered for CAEP if they were offered as part of a workforce course / CTE. This would not fall under ESL for CAEP. Since this is a community college program, if it is being offered as some sort of work related tool, then they would need to check with the chancellor’s office in regards to course approval (as all CTE courses need state approval).

There is no education code that would prevent that member from offering similar services. These types of issues should be discussed among members during the annual planning & 3 year planning process (when members discuss what they plan to do with their funding and how that aligns with serving those in need). If there are 80,000 adults in need for the region and you are serving 20,000 of those adults, this should not be an issue. Is there oversaturation in some areas, and no services in others? All this should be part of the planning discussion.