
My teachers became my second family. They made me feel a part of something bigger for the first time in my life.

– Juan, Vista Adult School

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.


If the member agency has other Member Representatives, any of them can approve the CFAD. If the agency has others in NOVA as contacts, but only one Member Representative, only that Member Representative will be able to approve.

Anyone approving the CFAD on behalf of an agency, must be Board approved by that agency to vote/act on their behalf. They will need to get a secondary Member Representative added to their next district Board meeting agenda and vote on approval for that person to carry out actions for the agency. Once that is done, the alternate member representative can be added in NOVA.

Unfortunately, there is no work around for this. Page 7 of the CAEP Program Guidance states: A member of the consortium shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member (84905 (c)).

We strongly urge all members to have a secondary pre-approved Member Representative to act on their behalf if something arises.

Distribution of COLA to members should be based on the consortium funding formula. Every member is entitled to receive a COLA. Consortia are not allowed to distribute differently.

You can attach both documents in the Supporting Documents section of NOVA, below the Annual Plan section. Please be sure to title them with a name that will identify they are part of the CFAD for this year.

The Member Agency section in NOVA will show all members, past and present. They are not listed in the Agency and Certifiers section, so they will not be required to approve the CFAD.

Question 13 on the CFAD Guidance, pertains to how the consortia approval of distribution process. While there is Ed Code that states no member can receive less than the prior year, there may be decisions made about the consortia pot, or a member no longer receiving funds (opt out/cannot provide service) or if there is a bylaw that allows for reallocation of carryover. This section is where you would provide how your consortia handles that.