
My teachers became my second family. They made me feel a part of something bigger for the first time in my life.

– Juan, Vista Adult School

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.


I have added you to the listserv. If you have other staff members who would like to be added to the listserv, please have them sign up using the link on the home page at: 

Progress towards diploma is a data element in addition to the progress from Low ASE to High ASE which is measured using CASAS NRS approved testing instruments. Progress towards diploma is completion of any course which counts towards a state approved adult high school diploma program during a quarterly reporting period. This metric was specifically requested by field practitioners so programs could get credit for students who make progress towards their diploma but who have not attained an EFL or have attained the EFL from low to high ASE but who are still working on their diploma requirements. 

I have added you to the AEP email distribution list. If you have any other staff who would like to subscribe, please have them sign-up at the following link: AEP Newsletter

In 2017/2018, the Chancellor’s Office will conduct a review of CCC Apply to identify ways to align data collection with Adult Education reporting and how CCC Apply can be made more useful for noncredit programs and students.

Yes, that’s fine. That sort of student would not qualify for the special literacy gain outcome I am talking about now – but by all means, if they pass the HSE that will certainly count for the secondary HSE outcome.

Course content and definitions for both credit and noncredit are local curriculum decisions except where already prescribed under education code.

We are waiting for further details from the AEP State Office regarding next steps for the AEP Policy Field Team. As soon as we receive an updated status on the process, we will pass that along.

It does not matter if the teacher is CCD or K12. The student should be co-enrolled in both the ESL program and the CTE program. Identify the ESL class as IET in the class lister.
Health Career Prep and Exploration would be considered a Workforce Preparation course and count towards the Workforce Preparation Milestone.