
Going back to school and getting my high school diploma was one of the greatest things I accomplished in my life.

–Barbara Bates

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

NOVA Access /Passwords

Adding an individual to NOVA is something either the Member Representative for the agency, or the Primary Contact for the Consortium can do. Simply go the agency in NOVA that they are to be added to and click 'Add Contact" in the Member Contact section. Enter the persons information and permission level. They will receive an invitation to join NOVA via email.

"Consortium Contributor" is no longer an option in NOVA. The options are:

Consortium Level:
Primary Contact
Fiscal Contact

Member Agency Level:
Member Representative

Please use one of the following options above.

Primary Contact is only for Consortium-wide access. Member Representatives have agency access. To change a member from Primary Contact to Member Representative, remove the Primary Contact from the Consortium contacts on the main Consortium page. Then scroll down and click on their member agency. In the Member Agency Contacts you can click to Add Contact. This will add them as the Member Representative of only their agency.

To have the ability to add or delete members at the agency level, they will need to be a Member Representative for their agency. If this person should have ability to add and delete members from the consortium level, they will need to be a Primary Contact on the consortium page.

To change a title, the member will log into NOVA. On the far left there is blue banner and the first thing listed is their name. Click on the name and click Profile. That is where information can be changed.

Log into NOVA and click on your name and then click Profile. This is where any changes to an account can be made.

You can invite her via your consortium page in NOVA. The steps are below:

  1. Go to your consortium home page on NOVA
  2. Scroll down to Member Agencies
  3. Click on the district for the new member.
  4. In the Member Agency Contacts section you will click to Add a Contact in the bottom right.
  5. If this person already uses NOVA, You will add their email and set their permission level (Primary Contact is the level you have).
  6. If the user is new to NOVA, please click on the ""send invitation"" button to send them an invitation to join NOVA.
  7. The user will be sent an invitation to join NOVA from NOVA. (be sure to check Junk/Spam)
  8. Once they accept the invitation, they will set up a password/account.
  9. You may want to go back in once they have set up their account and repeat step #5.
  10. Once she is active and is a Primary Contact, she will have the ability to remove you.

That should finalize the process.

Yes - that is correct. Consortium chairs and co-chairs are Primary Contacts in NOVA.

Yes - that is correct. Their title will be what they hold in the organization. They will add their title under their profiles in NOVA.

You will include who's what role in the consortium in your Annual Plan, Three-Year Plan, Consortium By-laws, and Governance Structure.

If the user has an account in NOVA, on the log in screen, they would enter their email address and select, 'Forgot Password'. The system would them prompt them to enter their information and send a link to reset the password.

If she has not received the email, it may have gone to junk or quarantine. Either way, she can go to NOVA and click to sign in. She will want to click Forgot Password, which should prompt her to reset it (create it in this case). Once reset, she should be able to log in. That should grant her access.