
Going back to school and getting my high school diploma was one of the greatest things I accomplished in my life.

–Barbara Bates

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

Do not use (CFAD)

It will open the week of March 14 and be due May 2.

Each consortium member organization has one designated representative for membership, though they can have multiple colleagues at discussions. Only the officially approved member can vote on decisions, unless the consortium decides otherwise. As far as the state is concerned, there is only the one officially approved representative for each member organization.

Your consortium governance plan will specify on proxy and/or substitutes. However, on the CFAD, please list only the member representative that was approved by the member’s local board.

Enter the current representative’s information into the CFAD for each member organization. When replacement representatives are identified, you can do a revision to provide the new person’s name and contact information. You will also be able to update member information in the Year 2 Plan which will be due in mid-July.

By adding them, they are automatically active. We will delete the old language that indicates other steps are necessary.

All members will need to sign the CFAD, which that allocation schedule is part of. In addition, you should keep meeting minutes and attendance sheets to document that you followed the Governance Plan for your Consortium in order to reach this agreement.

All members will need to sign the CFAD, which that allocation schedule is part of. In addition, you should keep meeting minutes and attendance sheets to document that you followed the Governance Plan for your Consortium in order to reach this agreement.

There are a couple of ways this can be done. One way is to print out the summary page with signatures blocks, then scan and upload the document into the electronic system. All signatures should be condensed in a single document; we do not want to have multiple summaries with one signature per document. Another way is to have signatures collected at a face-to-face meeting and signed on an iPad or similar device. We will provide instructions for this as we get closer to submission time.

The system has an auto-save, so you won’t lose anything when you close. When you sign on again, the system will pull up the information you entered earlier.

In the CFAD, there's a button in the Member area for active/inactive, as well as the space to add new members. Members who become inactive are identified as such, but not removed from the record. (If you have technical questions about using this feature, please email Greg Hill Jr at

Both MOE and Consortium Funds are AEP funds. For the 2015-16 funding level, you will provide the combined total of both, by member.

Yes, it can. There's a link at the top of the page that will launch the print dialog box. We will look at the protocol for that print feature to make the font size more user-friendly.

So long as the signatures are combined into a single file, and it is clear that they have reviewed, agreed to, and are signing the current document (CFAD or Annual Plan), that should suffice.

We will set up an auto-confirmation of receipt of your submission, not to be confused with approval. Approval of the CFAD will take a bit longer and there may be follow up questions. Confirmation of approval will be a separate notification.

This is a term specifically used in the CFAD. Active indicates current members who are participating in your AEP implementation during the year in question. Inactive refers to former members who are not currently implementing your consortium’s AEP plan. An inactive member would not be required to sign or vote on the CFAD.

Much of the form automatically saves upon entering values. However, just to be safe, you should be sure to manually save your work often.

Because this is a fiscal declaration for funding each year. The State needs to have each official member representative sign that s/he is in agreement.

Much of Section 1 is auto-filled from the CFAD that consortia submitted in May.

The items that are locked are Consortium Grant Number and Name, Funding Channel, and Consortium Allocation Schedule. These are locked and cannot be changed until next May CFAD submission. This is because of the timeline requirements for fiscal programming at the state level. The rest of the items are also auto-filled from the CFAD but can be updated as indicated.

You will need to send an updated Organizational Chart if your organizational structure has changed, and/or if you have new members in your consortium.

Yes, you can add more than one document. Make sure the documents have different names or the new one will replace the old one.

If they are added to the contacts table, they should appear. If not, they would need to be added by you selecting the "edit signature" block button at the bottom of the summary page.

The system has an auto-save, so you won’t lose anything when you close. When you sign on again, the system will pull up the information you entered earlier.

Please send an email to the AEP inbox at and we will check to see what the issue is. Primary Contacts are generally one person per consortium, occasionally two on a case-by-case basis, though more people can have Ready Only access.

It is:

They will be on the Grantees tab on the AEP website -

Yes, as long as all members are in agreement, you may alter your CFAD to lesser amounts than the prior year. (But you have to have 100% agreement). Please work with Nicole Alexander in the AEP Office to update your CFAD, and the process for submission.

You can update your 17-18 Member Allocation by navigating to the Member Allocations section from the left blue navigation pane (see screenshot below). You will need to submit a revised CFAD document with signatures based on the updated amounts. You should upload this document to the document library and select the box for “Amendment”.

We are working on creating a template for the CFAD updates, but in the meantime please print a copy of your CFAD and hand write the changes, sign and scan to upload as an amendment.

Changing allocations for your consortium members requires submitting a revised CFAD and obtaining signatures from all of your members that indicates agreement/approval of the allocation changes. I have attached the CFAD that was submitted in the AEP portal.

We are currently still developing the process to update member allocations in NOVA for direct funded agencies. We should have this functionality available before the end of the week. In addition, you will need to submit a revised CFAD document with signatures based on the updated amounts. You should upload this document to the document library and select the box for “Amendment”.

We are working on creating a template for the CFAD updates, but in the meantime please print a copy of your CFAD and handwrite the changes, sign and scan to upload as an amendment.

Once the CFAD is approved and certified, it is a completed document that cannot be changed. The amendment will be an Allocation Amendment, to account for the addition/reduction in monies per member. The Allocation Amendment can be found on the main consortium page in NOVA, in the Allocation section (just below the CFAD section). Under the current year, there is a blue button that says "Start Amendment". If you would like to see all amendments that have been done, in the lower left of the Allocation box there will be a button that says "View Amendment History".

The CFAD is a document that can not be changed. What will have to happen is an allocation amendment. While the consortium lead will be the one to complete the allocation amendment, all member agencies will have to log in and approve it.

Last year's CFAD still reflects the reduction in COLA because the CFAD was already approved prior to notification of the reduction. Your consortium completed an allocation amendment to reflect the COLA adjustment. That can be found in the Allocation section and then by clicking View Amendment History.

Last year the COLA was reduced after the CFAD was completed. Because the CFAD is a governing document, once it is signed and certified, it is unable to be changed. Members completed an allocation amendment in June to account for the COLA reduction. The amendment took care of the COLA reduction, however since we are unable to change the CFAD, it will always show as a negative. It does not affect you going forward. You can disregard the negative it shows.

In January 2019, CAEP received a preliminary allocation, with a COLA, based on the Governor's draft budget. However, when the Governor signed the budget, CAEP received a reduction in COLA. Since the CFADs had already been submitted and certified, and we are unable to make changes, each consortium completed an allocation amendment to account for the reduction in COLA. Your consortium completed the allocation amendment to account for the reduction in COLA. As a result, there are no further changes to be made.

Your voting structure for approval is whatever is laid out in your by-laws for approval of a vote (majority, two-thirds, or unanimous).

Please check your consortium by-laws. Each consortium was able to select how voting was approved. Since members approved the By-Laws, that will be the direction you can follow.

The negative difference in the CFAD should equal the reduction in COLA that occurred last year after the CFADs were finalized. You completed an Allocation Amendment in June to reflect the reduction in COLA for accounting purposes.

Because the May Revise with reduced COLA came out after the CFAD closed, and the CFAD is a final document that can't be changed, all consortia will see a negative balance equaling their reduction in COLA. It will not affect you. We are working with NOVA regularly to make sure all numbers are accurate. Unfortunately the only way NOVA could account for the reduced COLA was to show it as a negative in the system.

You're correct - NOVA is pre-populating last year's allocations; however, you will enter members' total allocations, including the proposed COLA, to equal the consortium's total preliminary allocation. Once you do this, your Total Allocated to Members will increase to equal the Total CAEP Funds and the Total Remaining will equal zero.

Based on what I am seeing - you are over allocating for 2020-21.The allocations that were pre-populated in NOVA included last year's reduced COLA. For this year, all you will need to do is add your consortium's allocation with this year's 2.29 percent COLA.This will bring your Total Remaining down to zero.

Based on what I am seeing - you are over allocating for 2020-21.The allocations that were pre-populated in NOVA included last year's reduced COLA. For this year, all you will need to do is add your consortium's allocation with this year's 2.29 percent COLA. This will bring your Total Remaining down to zero.

The Consortium Lead forwarded the email sent to them, to all members as a reminder. The link in that email was specific to the Consortium Lead, so when other members clicked on it, NOVA recognized them as the lead and put that name as the certifying authority. NOVA will allow you to send reminder emails through the system to all members. No lead should ever forward their email and link to others.

All members must certify the CFAD (funded or not). But if you followed your decision making by-laws, and the member is not going along with the agreed decision, we can go into NOVA and certify the CFAD for that member (or override). We would just need the minutes from the public meeting, and the by-laws that you followed to make the decision for documentation purposes.

You should zero out for the current year. Your previous year will remain unchanged, with the negative balance.

As for the COLA, for this year you will calculate that yourselves. The calculation will equate to the percentage of the total allocation each member receives. You will use that same percentage to divide the COLA amongst all members. Unless your By-Laws specifically state the COLA be divided differently.

The negative balance from 2019-20 will remain and is not impacting 2020-21.

For 2020-21, the base allocations are pre-populated - they are your 2019-20 allocations with the reduction in COLA. All that is left for you to do is distribute the 2020-21 COLA based on the consortium's funding formula. Once the COLA has been distributed, your Total Remaining CAEP Funds for 2020-21 will be zero.

This is something you can take care of in NOVA. NOVA automatically pulls the first person listed under Consortium Contacts Primary Member, and lists them as the certifying authority. The previous lead is still the first one listed. When you go into NOVA you can follow these steps:

Go to the consortium page and scroll to Consortium Contacts
You see three others all listed above you. Two of them have the same responsibility as you, so we will have to remove them.
Click to add/remove or change consortium contacts.
You will need to remove any members listed above you that are Primary Contacts.
If they should still have access, you will then go and re-add them.
NOVA always lists the most recent person added at the bottom of the list. So if they still need access for your consortium, it is as simple as removing them and then re-adding them. If they no longer need access you can simply remove them.