
Going back to school and getting my high school diploma was one of the greatest things I accomplished in my life.

–Barbara Bates

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

NOVA System

We will provide access to PDFs, copies, and screenshots with guidance so everyone can see what will be required. The SPOC will have to be the one to input the information into the electronic system for final submission.

Yes, we can do that for drafting and discussion. The final submission will have to be inputted through the electronic system.

A draft for comment will be posted the week of March 14 and finalized by March 23. It will be due in July, exact date still to be determined.

Maybe, it depends on how recently the revisions were submitted. Those submitted prior to the end of January, yes - they should all be there. If submitted in May, you will want to check to be sure the latest information is there.

At this point, we are planning on selected sections being locked. For example, some of the information provided in the CFAD that will auto-populate and cannot be changed, include the choice made between Fiscal Agent and Direct Funding and the allocation schedule. Those will remain locked. However, we may look into making some auto-filled sections in the Year 2 Plan editable, if need be.

Yes, Year 1 (2015-16) activities may be edited or added onto, but not deleted.

Depends on how the CBO was funded. If the CBO is a subcontractor – then they would be rolled up under their Fiscal Agent's expenses based on how they were funded (like object code 5000).

The AEP Office will release information and instructions related to the End of the Year data collection for Year 1 of the AEP Program. We anticipate this information to be released by April (if not sooner). The instructions are very similar to the WIOA student demographics and performance outcome reporting and the National Reporting System (NRS) framework.

In August, the state will release data submitted for Year 1, to be used for setting performance target goals for Year 2. We are all aware that Year 1 data will not reflect a full year of activities because for the late start to the year and that much of the data will be “fuzzy” until we have a fully operational data collection and tracking system that all consortia are integrated with. The state is working with experts in the field and consortium members in a focus group to develop this system. It is expected that an AEP Data Tracking system will be launched in the next few years. In Year 3 (2017-18), we hope to have our first full year of AEP data.

Each year, you will be asked to review your Governance structure and submit a form describing any changes. It would be a good idea for members to review their governance plan on an annual basis.

Yes, regardless of whether last year’s funding was MOE or Non-MOE – it all falls under the Adult Education Block Grant. MOE and Non-MOE members are required to use the funding to implement their Three Year and Annual Plans. If a district’s activities are not reflected in the various plans, use the amendment process to update them.

Consortia are responsible for checking and addressing those themselves. They should know whether the activities supported by the MOE and Consortium funds are both represented in the Three Year and Annual Plans.

Objective 4 is about filling gaps used for continuation of or expanding of "old activities." That should work for this.

Not all activities must be brand new. Addressing gaps in service can mean, for instance, reviving services that were reduced or eliminated in the recession. Working with Colleges to align curriculum and facilitate student transition, improve student support, etc. are just some of the many activities that align with the required objectives of the AEP. To be clear, in all our webinars and throughout the documents for the Three-Year and Year Annual Plan, it was emphasized that all AEP funds – MOE and Consortia Funding – must support the implementation of the Consortium’s Three Year and Annual Plans.

If a member is potentially in violation of AEP regulations, the consortium lead or primary should be contacted. The primary lead is responsible for the consortium annual plan. A suggestion may be for this to be discussed at the next consortium member meeting and a review of the program guidance and allowable use guide. The consortium can also request technical assistance from the State in helping resolve this issue.

That depends. Who was the Fiscal Agent in 15-16? How much did it cost for them to administer the consortium related activities (see Program Guidance)? If you are keeping the same Fiscal Agent, then that is already built into the budget. But you still need to find out the real cost, because it might not require the entire 5%.

Fiscal Agents are not necessarily “guaranteed” the same amount every year as stated in the legislation for members of a consortium. In other words, Fiscal Agents are not “protected members” of a consortium. These individuals and the amounts they receive can change (if the consortium votes on this change), and the percent negotiated for their services may also vary – it can be up to 5%, but does not “have” to be the full 5%. The amount paid to the fiscal agent would depend on the services rendered and terms and conditions negotiated with consortia.

On the other hand, if you go to Direct Funding, the consortium members would need to pool their resources together to pay the primary lead or designee for the cost of administering the consortium (which is still required under direct funding per all the State level deliverables). See Program Guidance for the list of those activities.

The amount of MOE funding amounts should already be filled out in the Year 1 Plan in sections 3 and 5, as requested in the charts. In your revision for the Year 1 Plan regarding activities that the MOE is funding, you can note that these activities are from that source and those providers. Just submit the changes as a revision/amendment with member signature or consortium minutes approved by members.

You are asked in the Year 2 plan to identify the KEY 3-5 strategies you are planning to implement to meet your 3-year goals. There will of course be many, many additional strategies that make up your implementation plan that you will want to share with members, partners, and stakeholders for their feedback and input, but for the Year 2 Plan submission, the state is just looking for the 3-5 high-level, most-important strategies that will characterize your efforts to achieve the AEP goals for that particular year.

The Annual Plan was always supposed to include the AEP activities for both MOE and Consortia Funds, as stated throughout the Year 1 Plan and Guidance. This continues to be the case.

The 3-Year Plan is the big picture, so you would only make revisions to that if your big picture plan is changing. The Annual Plans have more detail, so it is more likely that changes would need to be made in those. If your 3-Year Plan is changing, please contact the AEP office to discuss prior to submission.

Much of the form automatically saves upon entering values. However, just to be safe, you should be sure to manually save your work often.

Yes, there is a word limit on the narrative.

These links allow you to add or delete entries in the tables.

Something that you would want a legislative member, the public, and/or policy makers to read about and justify giving adult education $500M each year.

No – just the CFAD information will be auto-filled. Due to formatting and other changes, it was not possible to do any other auto-fill.

Please update your plans to reflect any major spending areas that you may have missed – like professional development, MOE activities, capital outlay, etc.

The State needs the formal approved minutes, if those are provided instead of signatures. The form being used to submit revisions/amendments requires submitters to certify that the files they've uploaded have been formally approved.

There is no need for minutes if we have the signatures: Signatures OR Minutes — just one file.

Choice of fiscal organization shouldn't necessarily change governance. If governance structure has changed, then that change must be shared with the AEP office through a revised Governance document submission.

There can be issues with such changes, so you will need to submit the revision. Basic rule: Make sure that you have a clear plan and can verify that the activities carried forth with the designated AEP funding is in alignment with your consortium’s approved annual plan.

Starting July 1, 2016, revisions can start up again. You are right, the money follows the year in which the activities are taking place. This year’s activities -> this year’s revisions. Next year’s activities -> next year’s revisions. It is fine if activities are multi-year, but we need to have a clear relationship between when funds are expended and when the activities take place. The AEP Office has to report accurate information to the legislature based on information received from consortia.

The Year 1 (2015-16) Plan should show the activities taking place in that year and the timeline should reflect that actual projected finish date, even if in another year. Timelines in the Year 2 (2016-17) Plan should reflect the reality of implementation in that year, as in the successive years. An “on-going” designation is not adequate.

There are slight changes to the Governance Template (hence the new date), but nothing substantial. The Governance Plan needs to be reviewed by the consortium membership annually and Governance template needs to be filled out and signed and submitted annually. Though it is possible that there will be NO changes to the plan or the membership from year to year, it is unlikely. Annual submission of the signed Governance Plan is the evidence needed to show that all current members of the consortium are familiar with and in agreement on the consortium's governance structure.

No, they provide different kinds of information. The CFAD's information is time sensitive and is needed in May. There is more time available for gathering the Governance Information. This will be due July 15th with the Year 2 AEP Plan.

The AEP Governance Template is required. You may upload your by-laws but that is not required.

We understand the challenge and as we go forward, we are hoping to learn from your experiences on how to do this. To be clear - the requirement to project and report on expenditures by objective is a requirement of the legislature, not something the CDE and CCCCO came up with. The Legislators want to know to what extent and how funds are being spent to address the objectives put forth in AB86 and continued in AEBG per AB104. The strategies promoted in these objectives are the strategies they expect to see carried out in the consortia throughout the state. This is part of our accountability to legislators and taxpayers. We won't know the best way to meet this requirement until we try for a few cycles. One way to start can be to identify what objective or program benefits MOST from the activity. Expenditures by Object Code will also be collected.

The narrative fields are fixed at the size indicated and cannot be expanded. The reason for this is that the information in the Plan will be compiled for all of the 71 Consortia for a report to the Legislature. Due to the space available in the report, our office can only use so much information from each consortium – so please be succinct.

The Annual Plan was always supposed to include the AEP activities for both MOE and Consortia Funds, as stated throughout the Year 1 Plan and Guidance. This continues to be the case.

In the Annual Plan form, there are only two sections where you can upload information. Each location has specific formats and instructions for uploading. They are:
in Section 1, an organization chart and/or governance plan, and
in Section 3, the consortia expenditures.

The 3-Year Plan is the big picture, so you would only make revisions to that if your big picture plan is changing. The Annual Plans have more detail, so it is more likely that changes would be reflected there instead. If your 3-Year Plan is changing, please contact the AEP office to discuss prior to submission.

You will need to send an updated Governance Plan if your governance structure has changed, and/or if you have new members in your consortium. This is to verify that everyone is aware of and commits to adhering to the Governance structure throughout the program year.

You will need to send an updated Fiscal Management Plan if this process has changed, and/or if you have new members in your consortium. This is to verify that everyone is aware of and commits to adhering to the this Fiscal Management Plan throughout the program year.

It is used to get an overview of your ambitions and your progress in the implementation of your Annual Plans in support of your Three-Year Plan. The Annual Plan Executive Summaries are posted on our AEP website and shared with the Legislature.

No, you will just upload the individual member submissions. The AEP Office system will do the totaling for you.

We understand the challenge and as we go forward, we are hoping to learn from your experiences on how to do this. To be clear, the requirement to project and report on expenditures by objective is a requirement of the legislature, not something the CDE and CCCCO came up with. The Legislators want to know to what extent and how funds are being spent to address the objectives put forth in AB86 and continued in AEBG per AB104. The strategies promoted in these objectives are the strategies they expect to see carried out in the consortia throughout the state. This is part of our accountability to legislators and taxpayers. We won't know the best way to meet this requirement until we try for a few cycles. One way to start can be to identify what objective or program benefits MOST from the activity.

No, since this is not a fiscal declaration, the signature process is streamlined. The Primary Contact will certify that all members have approved the Annual Plan, and retain the minutes of the public meeting where this approval occurred. NOTE: It is important that true consensus of all members be reached and documented if we are to be able to use the Primary Contact’s certification going forward.

No – in the 16-17 annual plan, we ask for 15-16 to date expenditures by program, by objective, and by object code. We also ask for 16-17 planned expenditures by program area and objective. You won’t have to submit the 16-17 budget by object code until the Fall. For the remaining 15-16 carry over funds – use the online expense and reporting system to revise your budget going into next year, and update your 15-16 annual plan to reflect how those funds will be spent.

Please upload any revisions or changes to your annual plan via the AEP portal. Meeting minutes may be used in place of signatures, if the change or revision is referenced in the minutes and agreed upon by members. Deadline for revision is May 15, 2015.

There are four main documents/reports that AEP consortia are required to submit to the State. All elements are expected as indicated, provided funding for AEP continues to be signed into the state budget by the Governor each year. Due annually are:
1. Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration (CFAD);
2. Annual Plan;
3. Student Data;
and 4. Annual Budget.

In addition, there is a Three Year AEP Consortium Plan. This is the big picture document that provides an overview of each consortium’s goals, objectives, and major efforts that will be taken to achieve the purpose of the AEP over the three-year period. This Plan would be updated every three years.

In June 2016, the state also released Data and Accountability funding to assist with building the capacity to submit Student Data. That required a one-time Data and Accountability Plan and Budget.

No, only two passwords per consortium are allowed. This is so that consortia can maintain control of the content and editing of the official documents submitted to the State on behalf of your consortia. Documents and information will have to be provided to the person(s) your consortium designates in order to be entered/uploaded, certified through signature of the Primary Contact(s), and finally submitted to the State.

The AEP portal does allow for up to two primary contacts to have access, so it is possible for co-chairs to both access the portal.

You will get notification that the system is open through the Primary Contact currently on file for 2015-16. If that person will not continue to be the Primary Contact for 2016-17, the current Primary Contact should send an email to the AEP inbox at with the request to change for next year. The request will be verified and the new Primary Contact(s) for Year 2 will get access. The verification process should only take about 24 hours.

The Primary Contact(s) can be the leader, co-leaders, or a designee of the consortium. This role is mostly about flow of information, not decision making. Because of the size and structures of many of our AEP consortia, we are retiring the term "Single Point of Contact." We encourage consortia to limit the number of Primary Contacts to no more than two per consortium so that information can flow predictably to and from the rest of the membership.

There are two levels of access to the AEP documents - View Only and Editor. In View Only, a person identified by the Primary Contact(s) can view all of the documents but they cannot edit them. View Only access can be granted to any number of people, and each person would be referred by the Primary Contact(s). The Editor is the single person who has the clearance from the consortium membership to submit official consortium documents and make changes to them. Just as with the View Only individuals, the Editor is identified by the Primary Contact(s). Access is based on passwords associated with email addresses.

The rationale for the two levels of access is to make sure that viewing and editing of official AEP documents is in the control of the Consortium membership. Primary Contacts will know who is asking for access to their documents and be assured that the only changes that occur are exclusively made by their Editor designee.

Not sure why that's showing up - but the fiscal report is not part of the annual plan. If you look at the template on the website - there is no fiscal section. The fiscal section is not part of the annual plan report. View the template on the website - we don't have a fiscal section - so I wouldn't worry about.

Yes, this is the new version found in the portal. I have attached the latest work product to date. Although not complete, all other information has been entered without much of an issue. We had one problem which I worked out with Greg, which was to remove information from a cell which would not delete. That was corrected.

You can find the Annual Plan Template on the following AEP Web page:

The first link on the page above will provide the template for you. Once you access the template document, you will see that Section 2 provides the space to input your fiscal spending. 
If you are looking for the online expenditure reporting system, you can find that further down on the Web page shared above. You will need to log into your consortium's specific page within that system. 

Consortia and their members must agree to adhere to the general assurances listed as part of the annual planning process. For the purposes of evaluating Consortia and Consortium Member effectiveness, the California Department of Education and California Community College Chancellor's Office establish annual indicators of compliance. Failure to meet the requirements listed in the 2017-18 AEP General Assurances Document may result in a determination of non-compliance and lead to partial or complete loss of Consortium and/or Member funding. (See annual plan general assurances). Please note that all the items listed above for consortia and member effectiveness are also covered in the AEP General Assurances Document.

It will open the week of March 14 and be due May 2.

Each consortium member organization has one designated representative for membership, though they can have multiple colleagues at discussions. Only the officially approved member can vote on decisions, unless the consortium decides otherwise. As far as the state is concerned, there is only the one officially approved representative for each member organization.

Your consortium governance plan will specify on proxy and/or substitutes. However, on the CFAD, please list only the member representative that was approved by the member’s local board.

Enter the current representative’s information into the CFAD for each member organization. When replacement representatives are identified, you can do a revision to provide the new person’s name and contact information. You will also be able to update member information in the Year 2 Plan which will be due in mid-July.

By adding them, they are automatically active. We will delete the old language that indicates other steps are necessary.

All members will need to sign the CFAD, which that allocation schedule is part of. In addition, you should keep meeting minutes and attendance sheets to document that you followed the Governance Plan for your Consortium in order to reach this agreement.

All members will need to sign the CFAD, which that allocation schedule is part of. In addition, you should keep meeting minutes and attendance sheets to document that you followed the Governance Plan for your Consortium in order to reach this agreement.

There are a couple of ways this can be done. One way is to print out the summary page with signatures blocks, then scan and upload the document into the electronic system. All signatures should be condensed in a single document; we do not want to have multiple summaries with one signature per document. Another way is to have signatures collected at a face-to-face meeting and signed on an iPad or similar device. We will provide instructions for this as we get closer to submission time.

The system has an auto-save, so you won’t lose anything when you close. When you sign on again, the system will pull up the information you entered earlier.

In the CFAD, there's a button in the Member area for active/inactive, as well as the space to add new members. Members who become inactive are identified as such, but not removed from the record. (If you have technical questions about using this feature, please email Greg Hill Jr at

Both MOE and Consortium Funds are AEP funds. For the 2015-16 funding level, you will provide the combined total of both, by member.

Yes, it can. There's a link at the top of the page that will launch the print dialog box. We will look at the protocol for that print feature to make the font size more user-friendly.

So long as the signatures are combined into a single file, and it is clear that they have reviewed, agreed to, and are signing the current document (CFAD or Annual Plan), that should suffice.

We will set up an auto-confirmation of receipt of your submission, not to be confused with approval. Approval of the CFAD will take a bit longer and there may be follow up questions. Confirmation of approval will be a separate notification.

This is a term specifically used in the CFAD. Active indicates current members who are participating in your AEP implementation during the year in question. Inactive refers to former members who are not currently implementing your consortium’s AEP plan. An inactive member would not be required to sign or vote on the CFAD.

Much of the form automatically saves upon entering values. However, just to be safe, you should be sure to manually save your work often.

Because this is a fiscal declaration for funding each year. The State needs to have each official member representative sign that s/he is in agreement.

Much of Section 1 is auto-filled from the CFAD that consortia submitted in May.

The items that are locked are Consortium Grant Number and Name, Funding Channel, and Consortium Allocation Schedule. These are locked and cannot be changed until next May CFAD submission. This is because of the timeline requirements for fiscal programming at the state level. The rest of the items are also auto-filled from the CFAD but can be updated as indicated.

You will need to send an updated Organizational Chart if your organizational structure has changed, and/or if you have new members in your consortium.

Yes, you can add more than one document. Make sure the documents have different names or the new one will replace the old one.

If they are added to the contacts table, they should appear. If not, they would need to be added by you selecting the "edit signature" block button at the bottom of the summary page.

The system has an auto-save, so you won’t lose anything when you close. When you sign on again, the system will pull up the information you entered earlier.

Please send an email to the AEP inbox at and we will check to see what the issue is. Primary Contacts are generally one person per consortium, occasionally two on a case-by-case basis, though more people can have Ready Only access.

It is:

They will be on the Grantees tab on the AEP website -

Yes, as long as all members are in agreement, you may alter your CFAD to lesser amounts than the prior year. (But you have to have 100% agreement). Please work with Nicole Alexander in the AEP Office to update your CFAD, and the process for submission.

You can update your 17-18 Member Allocation by navigating to the Member Allocations section from the left blue navigation pane (see screenshot below). You will need to submit a revised CFAD document with signatures based on the updated amounts. You should upload this document to the document library and select the box for “Amendment”.

We are working on creating a template for the CFAD updates, but in the meantime please print a copy of your CFAD and hand write the changes, sign and scan to upload as an amendment.

Changing allocations for your consortium members requires submitting a revised CFAD and obtaining signatures from all of your members that indicates agreement/approval of the allocation changes. I have attached the CFAD that was submitted in the AEP portal.

We are currently still developing the process to update member allocations in NOVA for direct funded agencies. We should have this functionality available before the end of the week. In addition, you will need to submit a revised CFAD document with signatures based on the updated amounts. You should upload this document to the document library and select the box for “Amendment”.

We are working on creating a template for the CFAD updates, but in the meantime please print a copy of your CFAD and handwrite the changes, sign and scan to upload as an amendment.

If you are Direct Funded, you will receive your apportionment in the first 12 months of the 16-17 state fiscal year. If you wish to alter or revise the amount you received, you may do so through the subcontracting process. If you have a Fiscal Agent, they will receive the consortium apportionment in the first 12 months of the 16-17 state fiscal year. If the Fiscal Agent wishes to alter or revise the amount being allocated to members, they may do so, with member agreement, through the subcontracting process.

A draft of the Year 2 Annual Plan for public comment will be released soon. You will see that it has not changed greatly from Year 1 - there are a few new items but it is largely the same. We don’t anticipate that the main approaches of the Plan template will change much (maybe add clarifications, etc.), so you can start your planning as soon as that draft is released.

Some of the dates are subject to change. The exact date for the Annual Plan submission in July has not been set yet, for example. The May 2nd deadline for the CFAD is firm, however, as are some other dates. We will clarify these dates as soon as possible on the website.

There are a couple of ways this can be done. One way is to print out the summary page with signature blocks, then scan and upload the document into the electronic system. All signatures should be condensed in a single document; we do not want to have multiple summaries with one signature per document. Another way is to have signatures collected at a face-to-face meeting and signed on an iPad or similar device. We will provide instructions for this as we get closer to submission time.

It is a hard deadline for the Consortium Fiscal Administration Declaration. It was set because of the timelines that the state needs to follow for the program year. The Annual Plan of activities, which provides more detail, will be due in July.

Here is an overview of the due dates:
- The CFAD is due May 2nd.
- Final revisions to Year 1 plans and/or budgets must be received by May 15th.
- The Year 2 Plan will be due in July, the exact date TBD.
- Student data for Year 1 will be due August 1st

You may submit revisions to your 3 year plan, annual plan, governance, etc., through the year – with the final deadline each year being May 15th. The portal opens each year on July 1st for updates/amendments.

Those revisions received prior to the portal being open will be reviewed as submitted and later posted. We will get back to you soon.

Here is an overview of the due dates to expect each year. The submission systems will accept documents until 11:59 p.m. on the date due. We encourage early submissions, as late ones could encounter submission errors and/or system overload. NOTE: if the date falls on a weekend, the document due date will be moved to the first Monday after that date.
The CFAD is due May 1st.
Final revisions to each year’s Annual Plan and/or budgets must be received by May 15th.
Student data for each year is due August 1st. For 2015-16 data, the due date is August 8, 2016.
Annual Plans for each new program year is due August 15th.

To stay up to date, check the Calendar on the AEBG website regularly:

Keep in mind that we also have the twice a year expenditure reporting by consortia via the online system housed at the Chancellor’s Office. These reporting months are January and July. Budget revisions must be submitted prior to the report month. Budget revisions are due 6/20 and 12/20, respectively.

The AEP Portal consortium pages should be up and running very soon. I apologize for this inconvenience. Please let me know anything else you need on this.

For this, you'll want to use the Print button in the upper right-hand side of the page. From within the print dialog, most modern browsers provide the option to save or print to .pdf.

Adding an individual to NOVA is something either the Member Representative for the agency, or the Primary Contact for the Consortium can do. Simply go the agency in NOVA that they are to be added to and click 'Add Contact" in the Member Contact section. Enter the persons information and permission level. They will receive an invitation to join NOVA via email.

"Consortium Contributor" is no longer an option in NOVA. The options are:

Consortium Level:
Primary Contact
Fiscal Contact

Member Agency Level:
Member Representative

Please use one of the following options above.

Primary Contact is only for Consortium-wide access. Member Representatives have agency access. To change a member from Primary Contact to Member Representative, remove the Primary Contact from the Consortium contacts on the main Consortium page. Then scroll down and click on their member agency. In the Member Agency Contacts you can click to Add Contact. This will add them as the Member Representative of only their agency.

To have the ability to add or delete members at the agency level, they will need to be a Member Representative for their agency. If this person should have ability to add and delete members from the consortium level, they will need to be a Primary Contact on the consortium page.

To change a title, the member will log into NOVA. On the far left there is blue banner and the first thing listed is their name. Click on the name and click Profile. That is where information can be changed.

Log into NOVA and click on your name and then click Profile. This is where any changes to an account can be made.

You can invite her via your consortium page in NOVA. The steps are below:

  1. Go to your consortium home page on NOVA
  2. Scroll down to Member Agencies
  3. Click on the district for the new member.
  4. In the Member Agency Contacts section you will click to Add a Contact in the bottom right.
  5. If this person already uses NOVA, You will add their email and set their permission level (Primary Contact is the level you have).
  6. If the user is new to NOVA, please click on the ""send invitation"" button to send them an invitation to join NOVA.
  7. The user will be sent an invitation to join NOVA from NOVA. (be sure to check Junk/Spam)
  8. Once they accept the invitation, they will set up a password/account.
  9. You may want to go back in once they have set up their account and repeat step #5.
  10. Once she is active and is a Primary Contact, she will have the ability to remove you.

That should finalize the process.

Yes - that is correct. Consortium chairs and co-chairs are Primary Contacts in NOVA.

Yes - that is correct. Their title will be what they hold in the organization. They will add their title under their profiles in NOVA.

You will include who's what role in the consortium in your Annual Plan, Three-Year Plan, Consortium By-laws, and Governance Structure.

If the user has an account in NOVA, on the log in screen, they would enter their email address and select, 'Forgot Password'. The system would them prompt them to enter their information and send a link to reset the password.

Your carry over figure for 16/17 is based on your last AEP fiscal report – which was due by July 31, 2017. This would have been Q2 in the old system for consortium level reporting.

Not at this time. However, your district certifying official and the consortium director/lead will certify that your carry over amount you submitted in NOVA is correct and accurate. The last report submitted by your consortium was the Q2 16/17 expenditure report due on 7/31/17. Your carry over must be calculated based on that expenditure report.

You will be reporting 16/17 & 17/18 expenses – but in a combined budget & expense report. The one budget will only include active funding – the 16/17 carry over that you plan to use this year, and the 17/18 new AEP funding that was just received. It will be one budget for the program year starting July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2017 (and one expenditure report).

Yes. 15/16 funds will be closed out in the old system. 16/17 & 17/18 (and beyond) will be reported in the new NOVA system.

The new NOVA system will track expenses so that the oldest AEP funds are spent first. When you report expenses on the combined 16/17 & 17/18 budget for the program year, the NOVA system will subtract the reportable expenses from the 16/17 fund allocation until it’s 100% spent. Once 16/17 is spent down, it will begin subtracting expenses from the 17/18 fund allocation.

Fiscal agent will not be reporting expenses in the new NOVA system. The NOVA system is member based. If your fiscal agent were managing funds for a member, they would report that into NOVA as a member. The NOVA system is not like the old AEP system. We will not be reporting by consortia. Consortium member reports will be rolled up to the consortia level. On a separate track, the state will be reviewing how much consortium level administrative expenses are being charged (capped at 5% or less).

Please see the drop-down menu in NOVA and include other grants. If the drop down is not an exact match, please pick one that is closest.

Yes – NOVA expense reporting will be quarterly.

Once the AEP budgets for 16/17 carry over, and 17/18 new funds are submitted, the expenditure reporting schedule through 12/31/17 (combined Q1 & Q2), Q3 and Q4 will be released. We hope to give you plenty of time to have all your members report expenses. We are currently working on programming the expense-reporting schedule – but we hope it would be more than the traditional 30 days after the quarter end date – due to the 400+ members of AEP consortia, and the requirement for consortium administrative oversight.

You cannot delete an added fund, but you are not required to enter any data for it either. Just leave it blank.

Yes – but the expense report due dates will be extended (see response to the question above). Right now, new funding is not released until September/October – so it would be difficult to mandate a Q1 expense report (not to mind a budget) so early in the fiscal year. If Q1 & Q2 were combined – ending 12/31, then Q3 would end 3/31, and Q4 ending 6/30. Keep in mind actual expenditure reporting would not be due until well after the quarterly end dates (see response above).

No. Please choose the fund source that most closely fits.

Yes, changing the amounts would cause a problem in previous quarters. The Budget & Workplan would have to be changed to match where the reporting will be.

Here are the steps:

Consortia Lead uncertifies the Budget & Workplan.
Member moves money from the 6000 category to the 4000 category in the amount of the reporting change.
Member submits Budget & Workplan
Consortia Lead recertifies Budget & Workplan.
Once the Budget & Workplan is certified, the consortia lead now needs to uncertify the expense reports for the quarters needing changes (in this case Q1 and Q2)
Member makes necessary changes in Q1 and submits.
Lead will need to certify Q1.
Member can then submit changes for Q2.
Lead will need to certify Q2.
Please note that actions in NOVA are sequential. Changes to Q2 are not able to be made until Q1 is certified.

That should be all that is needed to correct this.

The NOVA quarterly end dates will be the same standard quarterly end dates (12/31, 3/31, & 6/30). The reporting deadlines will be extended due to the high number of reporting members, and the requirement for consortium oversight (see response above).

The Primary Contact is unable to submit the Q3 expenditure reports because they are not the first Member Representative listed for the agency. Only the first Member Representative listed has the authority to submit reports. This can be fixed by the Consortia Primary Contact removing all Member Representatives until the authorized Member Representative is listed first. Once the authorized Member Representative is listed first, the Consortia Primary Contact will add the other Member Representatives back to the agency contacts.

CAEP suggests you file them in NOVA under the document box – “Supporting Documents”. NOVA uploads this to the website and then it’s available to the public.

All consortium members must report on the apportionment they receive based on the CFAD.

If you had a process, whereby members received additional apportionment through a grant application process, you will need to update your CFAD allocation amounts for each member. Members would be required to submit expenditure reports on the new amounts (as well as revise their budgets).

As long as the fiscal year is still open, the member will need to go back and fix the quarter that was wrong. It will require the Lead to uncertify the entry before changes can be made.

If the member were allocated those funds, then they would need to budget for it, and report those expenses. The NOVA built the budget from each member, which rolls to the consortium total amount. A consortium is not a legal entity (unless you have incorporated) – so the basis for the NOVA system is by each member. So all consortium level expenses – have to come from one or more of the members (meaning which member is actually paying for these consortium level activities). It is ok to have multiple members contributing to and paying for consortium level expenses. It just depends on how your consortium sets it up.

Each year, you will create a program year budget. The program year is July 1 to June 30. The program year budget will include prior year carry over, and current year funding. With the first in, first out spending mandate – we are trying to avoid dealing with “prior-prior” year funding & spending during the program year. The state will be setting up spending targets in NOVA to ensure that prior year funds are spent first and liquidated before any new funding is accessed. If members (and consortia) are not spending down their prior year funding, the state will set up targeted technical assistance, and members (and consortia) will have to submit corrective action plans. If the members (and consortia) continues to not meet spending targets, and reasonable interventions have not been successful, then the state will allow the member’s funding to be reduced and redirected/reallocated to other members in the consortium.

Due to some programming issues in NOVA – we have suspended the 30 days in advance for budget changes – and allowing consortium to work with members up until the consortium certification date. The consortium will set the due date (keeping in mind the certification date) for their members submission.

At the beginning of each program year, the state will document the consortium administrative review process. More to follow on what that process will look like.

Yes – the AEP office will host a webinar on the topic in early December.

All members will report into NOVA. For consortium level spending – we will need to check if you are below the 5% administrative cap, and that you have set up an administrative oversight process for your member’s budgets & expenses reporting. More to follow on what that process will look like.

No – you could not take your 5% before you allocate to the rest of the members. Because you cannot decrease the amount of the funds given to the members in the prior year (w/o cause or 100% member agreement) – your consortium and its members would have to figure out who would contribute to the consortium administrative amount from the current member’s allocation. You would not be able to take your 5% “off the top” as that would change the member’s pre-determined allocation.

If your members are in agreement, each consortium can use up to 5% of their total allocation for consortium administration (which is mostly fiscal in nature). The state AEP Office would ask that members have the consortium fiscal agent explain what they are getting for that amount, and there could be some negotiation involved if members thought that amount was too much.

The state AEP Office is working with the NOVA vendor, productOPS, to develop a process to confirm that the consortium is not over the 5% administrative cap, and that the activities for administrative oversight are justifiable. This would be done on an annual basis.

In most cases yes. However, some Consortia run programmatic activities for the members.

Yes – we are working on a consortium level program & oversight certification process that would be done on an annual basis. (See response above for more details).

NOVA will be releasing access to the member representatives listed on the AEP website. If additional users need access, please let us know through AEP TAP.

Initially, member representatives listed on the AEP consortia webpage. However, you will be able to go into NOVA and add your CFOs and additional staff that need access.

As part of the budget process, there will be, a work plan that you will submit online based on the annual plan strategies that your consortium submitted in August. For expenditure reporting, if you fall below spending targets, you will be required to submit a corrective action plan that will include a progress report and an explanation on how you will get back on track to meet spending targets.

The work plan strategies are based on your annual plan. They will help us understand what annual plan strategies you are focused on and where the expenditures should be focused. However, you will not have to match your annual strategies to the AEP object codes.

To add a contact for a consortium member agency, click on the member agency from the member list. To remove a contact, click on the trash can icon next to the individual’s name. To add a contact, click on the ADD CONTACT button and follow the prompts. If you are unable to locate the individual in the drop down list, click on “Can’t find the contact you’re looking for” and follow the prompts. The individual(s) that you are trying to add will need to fill out a form at the link listed below so that they can appear in the drop down list for access to NOVA (see link:

To add a contact for the consortium, follow the same process as listed above, except click on the ADD CONTACT button located at the bottom of the consortium contact list.

The AEP NOVA users were identified from the contacts/member representatives listed on the 17-18 CFAD. Each NOVA user should have received an email with their log-in credentials yesterday afternoon. The consortia primary contact has the ability to add/remove NOVA users on behalf of the consortium and individual members. NOVA users that are the designated contact for a consortium member have the ability to add/remove users for that member.

We do not have a view only user in NOVA, everybody in the system has some level of write capability. For AEP, in a nut shell, if you are associated with a member, you edit the member’s plan/budget. If you are associated with a consortium, you may edit the member and consortium plan/budget. Consortia budgets aren't available at this time so consortia level users have permission on all members.

Member work plans and budgets are due in NOVA on December 15.

Members will submit their work plan and budget by December 15 and Consortium leads will need to certify by Jan 15. When a member submits their budget, work plan & expenses, it should be submitted by someone that is authorized to submit (which means certifying for that member).

Your budget, for this year, will include your carryover that you haven’t spent from 16/17 and your new funds from 17/18. That budget you develop will be based on your annual plan you submitted to the State back in August 2017.

When you go into the system, you will have all of the annual plan strategies the consortia said they would work on – there may be 15 to 20 – and you as a member will select the ones you plan to work on and spend the AEP funds. There should be a connection between work plan strategies and what you are reporting by object code on the budget side.

At the member access level, the member representative and the member contact can submit the workplan and budget for their agency. At the consortium level of access, only the primary contact can certify the workplans and budgets.

If you need to update your CFAD, please contact Nicole Alexander of the AEP Office.

Members have the ability to un-submit their workplan and budget. Changes can be made to the workplan/budget until the consortium primary contact certifies. Once the workplan/budget is certified at the consortium level, it cannot be changed.

You would put in your budget for the year and you could do a budget revision throughout the year. For 16/17 carryover and 17/18 new funding, you will have to come up with your own budget.

NOVA allows everyone to see each other member’s budget, workplans and expenses.

No – you do not. You have a budget due on December 15th. Your expenditure report won’t be due until later – like March 1, 2018.

No – data and accountability will be in the old system. This is only 16/17 carryover from consortia funds and 17/18 new consortia funds.

Member representatives are the only users that can add and remove contacts for their agency.

The process to complete a budget revision is as follows:

The Consortium Primary Contact needs un-certify the Budget & Workplan for this member.
The member then needs to un-submit their Budget & Workplan.
The member makes the necessary changes.
Upon completion of the revisions, the member would re-submit the Budget & Workplan by clicking the Submit button.
The Consortium Primary Contact would re-certify the member's Budget & Workplan.

No – there’s no budget form – you just type directly into NOVA.

If you have operational costs or general costs, I’m sure your district has a way of figuring out where operational costs – if you use a certain object of expenditure code. Go back to your district accounting and ask what is the policy or method that they use for doing operational cost.

If your consortium is holding funds that are in common with the membership, they must put that in the member’s budget of who is holding it. Keep in mind that the 45-day disbursement of funds is in the education code – so holding funds longer than 45 days could put you out of compliance.

This is something you can take care of in NOVA. NOVA automatically pulls the first person listed under Consortium Contacts Primary Member, and lists them as the certifying authority. The previous lead is still the first one listed. When you go into NOVA you can follow these steps:

Go to the consortium page and scroll to Consortium Contacts
You see three others all listed above you. Two of them have the same responsibility as you, so we will have to remove them.
Click to add/remove or change consortium contacts.
You will need to remove any members listed above you that are Primary Contacts.
If they should still have access, you will then go and re-add them.
NOVA always lists the most recent person added at the bottom of the list. So if they still need access for your consortium, it is as simple as removing them and then re-adding them. If they no longer need access you can simply remove them.

NOVA allows everyone to see each other member's budget, work plans and expenses.

At the member access level, the member representative and the member contact can submit the workplan and budget for their agency. At the consortium level of access, only the primary contact can certify the workplans and budgets.

This is for AEP only. SWP is also on NOVA - but the rules might vary - a little. But adding members and access is the same as SWP.

15-16 funds & D &A funds budget changes are due by 12/20/17 in the old misweb system. Their expense reports are due by 1/31/18. For 15/16 consortia funds - this is the final expenses report in the misweb system.

A link was sent out to register for NOVA. Once you login, you can add other users.

Your 15/16 certification will be done by your CBO listed in the old online miswebex system.

If you accidentally started an amendment, you can do the following:

  1. Go to the consortium page, to the Allocations section and click on Continue Amendment
  2. You will click on Preview on the left side and then you should see a cancel amendment button in the top right.

Their budget is off because the Allocation Amended for 20-21 wasn't completed. It was started but will have to be submitted and approved by all members before the figures will update in NOVA.

15/16 MOE is reported to CDE via SACS – not in the old misweb system. Only consortia 15/16 funds are reported in the old misweb system.

The member budget, work plan & expenses will be certified & submitted by someone at the member district who has that responsibility. The member must decide who will be the certifier of this information.

The consortium level certification will be decided by the membership based on how they process consortium level administrative oversight. See webinar on 12/1/17 for more details.

You still must submit the final expenses report by 1/31/18 which is the same expense report as previously submitted and then a close out in Feb. But you have to go through the formality. Sorry.

Yes, this is correct. The Budget will include the current allocation plus any carryover from the last fiscal year.

Also - if Q4 has not been certified for the previous year, you will see the Budget numbers inflated. Once certified, the expenditures from last year will be reduced and the budget should show only allocation and actual carryover.

Correct – sorry budget revision are due 12/20. Sorry – cheated you out of 5 days, but that’s 15/16 & D & A funds only.

In the old misweb system – there is a CBO listed. Check to see who is listed – it could be the consortium lead or it could be an actual CBO/CFO. For NOVA – you have to determine who the member certifier is.

Make sure that you are accessing the workplan and budget from the member page. The workplans and budgets are submitted at the member level, and so you need to click into your member page to access the work plan and budget. From the consortium main page, scroll down to the list of member agencies. Click on your agency. Then click on 17-18 Member Plan. From there you should be able to see the workplan and budget.

All annual plans are in NOVA. All strategies are listed in the work plan section. Check with AEP TAP if you have problems.

The member submits/certifies and then consortium level certifies to the State.

You might not have the appropriate access level – you might not be a member representative. Only the member representative shave the ability to add and remove contacts and will see the add contacts button.

In order to add documents, you will go back to your landing page for your consortia. The third module down, you will the repository. On the bottom right hand side, you will see a link that says add document.

The workplans and budgets are submitted at the member level, and so you need to click into your member page to access the work plan and budget. From the consortium main page, scroll down to the list of member agencies. Click on your agency. Then click on 17-18 Member Plan. From there you should be able to see the workplan and budget.

Scroll down to where the member agencies are listed, click on the agency name link. At the bottom of the left-side blue pane, click on the link for the 2017-18 Member Plan, then click on Workplan, then you will see what they have done for their workplan.

You can also do the same to see the budget. When they submit, you will see at the top right hand, it will say submitted.

The 1/15/18 is for consortia to certify/submit all member budgets. Each consortium will decide who will be the consortium level certifier. It could be the consortium lead, director, fund administrator, or someone else – as agreed upon by membership.

Member budgets are due 12/15/17.

If they are the only member – then yes. If there are more members that received an allocation as shown on the CFAD – then – no – it is not correct.

All members receiving funds shown on the CFAD – must submit a member budget, work plan and expenses.

Not in NOVA. They will show up in the old misweb system under a specific fund code and with specific password access.

It would be wise to have a fiscal contact to certify the member budget & expenses. But that is the member’s decision. Remember, these reports are actuals, which means they are auditable. So having your district fiscal person certify/submit would be suggested.

For consortia level certification - that would have to discuss among members on what they are ok with. The consortia lead has provide admin oversight. Webinar on 12/1 to cover those requirement.

For members – we recommend the CFO as your reports are actual expenses and are auditable. That’s why we are giving you 60 days to report quarterly expenses.

The 12 month budget will include all strategies you plan to work on from July 1. 2017 to June 30, 2018. The next year you will develop a new annual plan with the same or additional strategies that you will use to create a new budget & work plan.

There should not be a need to add any new or additional strategies during the year as this is a 12-month work plan. You will complete another one in the spring and submit it by 8/15. This will be the annual planning cycle.

Click on the trash can icon located next to that individual’s name. Only consortium primary contacts and member representatives have access to remove contacts.

At a minimum - but some consortia have many strategies. A member may be only working on 2 or 3 strategies during the program year. Meaning a member doesn't have to click on one strategy per objective.

At the consortium level - it's up to members on who will be the certifier. And what that process looks like. Please refer to the 12/1/17 webinar on consortium admin oversight.

We decided that the strategies are really what we articulated and we have flexibility in interpreting them.

You need to work with Nicole to correct the last 16/17 expenses report (July 2017 in the old misweb system). The balance from that July 2017 report must match the carry over that you are reporting in NOVA for 16-17. This is your audit trail.

This function will be tested and if there is an issue, it will be fixed. Sometimes it ends up in Spam and Junk folders, so I would check there.

Consortia and their member should have tracking expenses at the member level since the beginning of AEP (July 1, 2015). Each member district tracks its expenses and feeds this information to the consortium level for expense reporting. In the old misweb system, the consortium level report was rolled up from the members. For the 16/17 carry over amount in NOVA each consortia would work with its members to match the July 2017 expense report on 16/17 funds – remaining balance – with what each district has reported as part of that consortium level roll up report. That would confirm your carry over by member. Consortia should have been doing this every report period.

For member certification – at a minimum - your member representative and member certifier should have access to the budget, work plan & expenses.

The consortium certifier must certify member budgets by 1/15/18. The consortium members decide who is to be the certifier at the consortium level. That may well be the consortium lead – but it’s up to members to decide.

Yes – we would recommend that for member budgets, & expenses. I would suggest for work plan review – you may want to bring in the program person.

Please contact AEP TAP at and we will put you in touch with Nicole and Ryan.

We would not recommend that – but suggest you follow your governance & by laws on what was agreed to by members for consortium level administrative oversight – aka – the responsibilities & duties of the consortium level staff.

Yes – this is mandatory. You cannot submit a partial budget. You must submit a budget that reflects 100% of the 16-17 carry over and the 17-18 new funds.

There is no save button for the workplan and budget. Once entered into the system, information should automatically save.

Instructions for expense reporting will be out in January. Member expense reports are not due until 3/1/18.

Consortium administrative oversight is part of the consortium certification process. Please see the Fiscal Guidance on Consortium Administrative Oversight (on the AEP website) and the 12/1/17 webinar on the same topic.

Each member district can take their approved indirect rate to cover these costs. That will be reported as part of their budget.

You must enter that into NOVA. But your member certifier must ensure that figure is accurate and it must match what was reported at the consortium level for the July 2017 expense report for 16/17 funds in the misweb system.

No – we will release targets by quarter. It is a 15% increments by quarter. Q1 = 15%, Q2 = 30%, Q3 = 45%, Q4 = 60%.

No - 15/16 funds and data & accountability funds will continue to report in the misweb system as they have been. No changes in reporting for misweb.

The member must work with the consortium lead and they in turn work with the State AEP Office.

Yes – all these due dates are posted on the AEP website under calendar of due dates.

Each consortium uses the CFAD process to distribute funds to members. For redistributing funds, you would update or revise the existing CFAD. You would also have to ensure that the reallocated funding reflect what was submitted in the annual plan (8/15/17) and in the member work plans submitted by 12/15/17.

The YouTube link will be posted on AEP website, along with the recorded webinar and PPT presentation.

Each member district must have a budget, work plan and report expenses in NOVA. If the expenses for 16-17 are already spent – no need to report them again. Any remaining balance or carry-over of 16-17 funds must be represented in each member’s budget based on the annual plan that was submitted to the State by 8/15/17 – which would show up as indicated in the member work plan submitted in NOVA.

Yes – the consortium leads would work with the State AEP Office to change the CFAD amounts that were submitted by 5/2/17 for members.

Go to the AEP website and hit the subscribe button.

We are excited to announce the soft launch of NOVA, the new platform we will use to manage the AEP fund. The AEP Office's Neil Kelly will walk through the fiscal-management system during a webinar on Oct. 20, from noon to 1 p.m. This is the registration link:

Learning how to use NOVA is critical because this is the system that each consortium member that receives AEP funds will be required to use to submit the 2017-18 budget, due in early December, provide member updates to the AEP database, and starting next year, allow members and consortia to enter and certify quarterly expense reporting. This new system, once it's up and running, will replace the AEP portal. NOVA is an end-to-end platform designed to manage state funding streams.

A team of beta users have received an email announcing the soft launch. Those of you who are not part of the test group will receive an email at the end of October, when the system officially launches, providing you with access. The following release of functionality will be AEP fiscal reporting and CFAD management, making NOVA the centralized platform for all things AEP.

Please note: AEBG 2015-16 implementation funding, 95 percent of which has been spent, will be closed out in the old system in January/February 2018. AEP data and accountability funding will also remain in the old system and will be closed out in January/February 2019.

No - the pass through is not considered spent in the new NOVA system. A pass through is just a passing of the money and should not be recorded in NOVA.

We are still working on the expenditure reporting process for NOVA. But what it will do is subtract current expenses from the program year’s allocation (16/17 carry over and 17/18 new funds). The program year is July 1 to June 30. We will set up spending targets – but I doubt that you have to spend 100% of carry over and new funds by the end of the fiscal year. We will allow for some carry over. Stay tuned. More out on this soon.

An AEP News Brief will be sent to AEP consortium leads, member representatives, and CBO/CFOs (fiscal contacts) that will include details regarding the AEP NOVA system. Once NOVA launches, an email will be sent to all users that includes login credentials. AEP NOVA users include all consortium leads/primary contacts and member representatives as listed on the CFAD. There is a webinar scheduled for November 3rd regarding the NOVA system. There are plans to schedule additional webinars/trainings in the near future, and all webinars will be recorded and posted to the AEP website.

The instructions to add a contact are located in the attached user guide. If the individual’s name does not appear on the drop down list to add into the system, click on the link that states “Can’t find the contact you’re looking for?” and that should direct you to a page to make an addition (please see below).

The AEP NOVA users were identified from the contacts/member representatives listed on the 17-18 CFAD. Each NOVA user should have received an email with their log-in credentials yesterday afternoon. The consortia primary contact has the ability to add/remove NOVA users on behalf of the consortium and individual members. NOVA users that are the designated contact for a consortium member have the ability to add/remove users for that member.

The NOVA user at the consortium level that has the ability to add/remove contacts for the consortium and for individual members is the consortium primary contact. For Yosemite (Stanislaus Mother Lode) Consortium, this individual is Pedro Mendez.

To add a contact for a consortium, click on the member agency from the member list. To remove a contact, click on the trash can icon next to the individual’s name. To add a contact, click on the ADD CONTACT button and follow the prompts. If you are unable to locate the individual in the drop down list, click on “Can’t find the contact you’re looking for” and follow the prompts. The individual(s) that you are trying to add will need to fill out a form at the link listed below so that they can appear in the drop down list for access to NOVA (see link:

As the NOVA user at the consortium level and the designated primary contact, you have the ability to add/remove contacts for the consortium and for individual members.

To add a contact for a consortium member agency, click on the member agency from the member list. To remove a contact, click on the trash can icon next to the individual’s name. To add a contact, click on the ADD CONTACT button and follow the prompts. If you are unable to locate the individual in the drop down list, click on “Can’t find the contact you’re looking for” and follow the prompts. The individual(s) that you are trying to add will need to fill out a form at the link listed below so that they can appear in the drop down list for access to NOVA (see link:

To add a contact for the consortium, follow the same process as listed above, except click on the ADD CONTACT button located at the bottom of the consortium contact list.

Per our conversation, I have set you up as the primary contact for Sierra consortium and have requested that the system re-set your login. You should receive an email with your password. As far as your members that have not received their NOVA system emails, check the system to make sure that they are listed as a member representative. If so, they should be able to re-set their password by clicking the “forgot password” link on the home page. As the consortium primary contact, you have the ability to add/remove users for the consortium and for members. I have attached the user guide that explains in detail.

You are correct. We do not have a view only user in NOVA, everybody in the system has some level of write capability. For AEP, in a nut shell, if you are associated with a member you edit the member’s plan/budget. If you are associated with a consortium, you may edit the member and consortium plan/budget. We have hidden the consortia budget at this point so consortia level users will essentially have with permission on all members.

The primary contact for your consortium, which is Nikki Schaper, has the ability to add you as a contact in NOVA. Before you can be added, you will need to complete your profile at the link listed below. Attached is the NOVA system user guide which provides instructions regarding adding contacts.

The primary contact for your consortium, which is John Werner, has the ability to add you as a contact in NOVA. Before you can be added, you will need to complete your profile at the link listed below. Attached is the NOVA system user guide which provides instructions regarding adding contacts.

The consortium members should be reporting their workplan and budget in NOVA, which includes reporting the total amount of 16-17 carryover funds. The member workplans and budgets are then rolled up to the consortium level.

As the NOVA user at the consortium level and one of the designated primary contacts, you have the ability to add/remove contacts for the consortium and for individual members. Please see below for instructions regarding adding/removing contacts. I will forward the information regarding the incorrect email address for Stephanie Ortiz to the NOVA system administrators to correct.

To add a contact for a consortium member agency, click on the member agency from the member list. To remove a contact, click on the trash can icon next to the individual’s name. To add a contact, click on the ADD CONTACT button and follow the prompts. If you are unable to locate the individual in the drop down list, click on “Can’t find the contact you’re looking for” and follow the prompts. The individual(s) that you are trying to add will need to fill out a form at the link listed below so that they can appear in the drop down list for access to NOVA (see link:

To add a contact for the consortium, follow the same process as listed above, except click on the ADD CONTACT button located at the bottom of the consortium contact list.

You will have to report the 15/16 expenses in the old Chancellor’s Office system – using your password for those funds.

The 16/17 can be carried over into NOVA with the new 17/18 funding when you create your program year budget in NOVA. But the 16/17 carry over should reconcile with your 16/17 July report in the old system.

Please report your 16-17 carryover balance as reported in the last report submitted in the Chancellor’s Office MIS system - which was through June 30, 2017.

Yes – it’s a mandatory requirement. Member budgets are due 12/15/17 for 16-17 carry over and 17-18 new funding.

You can update your 17-18 Member Allocation by navigating to the Member Allocations section from the left blue navigation pane (please see screenshot below). For 16-17 allocation changes, you should reflect these changes when members report their 16-17 Carryover Amounts when submitting their budgets. You will need to submit a revised CFAD document with signatures based on the updated amounts, for both 16-17 and 17-18. You should upload these documents to the document library.

I am working on creating a template for the CFAD updates, but in the meantime I do not see a problem with you hand writing in the changes, signing and scanning to upload as an amendment.

That is correct – this is no direct/auditable correlation between object code budget, and annual plan strategies identified in your work plan as checked off in NOVA.

The work plan is for the state (and consortium level) to see what members are planning to do with their AEP funding for the program year. It justifies the use of funds. The work plan will give a pretty good idea what you will be spending your funding on – so if you are offering new classes, maintaining existing classes – we would expect to see certain funds being expended in certain areas. If your work plan strategy is to renovate a building, then expenses would also show in certain object codes. But we are not aligning a dollar for dollar object code budget with the work plan in NOVA. We also understand day to day operational activities may or may not be captured in your annual plan strategies. I think going forward, meeting the needs of the community through your “regular” course offerings should be included as one of your planning strategies if it’s a major part of the AEP funding you plan to expend.

You will definitely need to have a separate installation for the 225 jail, and yes we can set that up for you.

The “question” area was whether this was part of Santa Rosa’s funding & application… I did have our staff double check and our records clearly show that didn’t happen. What you sent was from the CDE, however… so we need to reconcile with CDE exactly which areas Santa Rosa is funded for PY 2017-18.

From CDE: Our records indicate that Santa Rosa County Junior College does indeed have a 225 program that is funded through the WIOA Title II grant. Please see the document attached.

No, reporting in NOVA of carry over and new funds will be by object of expenditure code. We are not recording any pass through of funds in NOVA. We are moving away from that practice. Please update the CFAD and have each member include these reallocated funds as part of their program year budget.

We are not tracking the pass through anymore in NOVA. The member’s budget should reflect 16-17 carryover (that match your last consortium level expenditure report in July 2017), and the new 17/18 funds. So if a member held funds for the consortium and then later reallocated that – you need to update the CFADs to reflect that so we have an audit trail of the allocations.

Are you accessing the workplan and budget from the member page? The workplans and budgets are submitted at the member level, and so you need to click into that particular member’s page to access their work plan and budget.

From the consortium main page, scroll down to the list of member agencies. Click on the member agency whose workplan and budget you are trying to access. Then click on 17-18 Member Plan. From there you should be able to see the workplan and budget.

The expenditure report through December 31, 2017 will be due by March 1, 2018. Consortium primary contacts will have until March 31, 2018 to certify. You will not be able to certify the budget and workplan until the member clicks on submit. It should show as Submitted on the top right of the screen when it is submitted, upon which the certify button should be available.

Primary contacts in NOVA are the leads at the consortium level. Member representatives are the leads at the member level. The submit button is located at the top right hand side of the screen under the Preview section of the budget and workplan. Please see screenshot below. I have admin privileges, which is why the certify button shows instead. Member representatives should see a submit button in this view.

The member agency submits their budget and workplan, and the consortium lead certifies the budget and workplan. The member agency will see the un-submit button (only after they click on submit).

The consortium primary contact will only see the certify button, which will not be available until the member submits their workplan and budget.

The submit button is accessible from the Preview section of the member workplan and budget (the preview section is located on the blue navigation pane on the left side of the screen).

If a member does not receive funds then it is not necessary for them to submit a workplan or budget in NOVA. We will be able to crosscheck funding status in NOVA when we pull reports that show who hasn’t submitted a budget/workplan.

Only member agency level contacts will be able to access the submit button for their agency’s workplan and budget. The member agency submits their budget and workplan, and the consortium primary contact certifies the budget and workplan (consortium primary contacts are the only users that have the ability to certify the workplans and budgets). The member agency will see the un-submit button (only after they click on submit). The consortium primary contact will only see the certify button, which will not be available until the member submits their workplan and budget. The submit button is accessible from the Preview section of the member workplan and budget (the preview tab is located on the blue navigation pane on the left side of the screen from the 2017-18 Member Plan section).

We just discovered an issue with individuals who serve as the Primary Contact for their consortium and the Member Representative for their agency. The system gets confused and cancels out the ability to submit or certify for this member agency budget. We are currently working with the developers to get this corrected. When this issue is resolved, you should see both the submit and certify button for Paramount USD under the Preview section of the workplan/budget.

If you prefer not to wait until the developers can get this issue fixed, you can add another individual as a member contact for Paramount USD, who should be able to submit the workplan and budget. We are hoping that this can be fixed in the next few days.

Consortium Primary Contacts have until January 15 to certify the workplans and budgets. The December 15 deadline is for member agencies to submit their workplan and budget to their consortium primary contact.

The Portal is no longer being used. In addition, below are some important dates to remember:

•15/16 final expenses for consortium funds will continue to use the chancellor’s office misweb system. Final report is due by 1/31/18. These expense reports are at the consortia level.

•16/17 & 17/18 member budgets in NOVA need to be certified by the consortium primary contact by 1/15/18.

•15/16 data & accountability funds will continue to use the chancellor’s office misweb system. The mid-term report is due by 1/31/18.

I don’t think it will be a problem. A late budget submission (after 12/15/17) shouldn’t affect the status from draft or submitted. It sounds like that member didn’t have the right person to submit it. I have attached the support guide to help troubleshoot.

The CFAD allocations submitted in May 2017 should have noted the allocation amounts to each member. If these are incorrect or have been adjusted, the CFAD needs to be resubmitted with each member signing off on the new numbers. If approved by the State AEP Office, you can upload the new CFAD to the NOVA document box, and change the allocations to the consortium membership for 17-18.

Member budgets were due on 12/15/17. Consortium leads must certify these budgets by 1/15/18. Amending the CFAD might take some time (getting signatures). You can always adjust you budget later in the pending quarter or the following quarter.

Members expenses & budget changes are due 3/1/18. Consortium certification will be due by 3/31/18. You could attempt to have your CFAD submitted and approved prior to the 3/1/18 member expenses report (and budget changes). The member allocations can be adjusted at that point.

The system won’t allow extension past 1/15/18. That is the final cut off for budget certification by the consortium.

Follow-up from Mitch: This was Nicole's suggestion. I will just leave the unspent $800K+ from 2016-17 in the fiscal bucket.

Neil's follow-up: I would certify what you have now - meeting the 1/15/18 deadline.

Then by March 1st – decide what to do with the unspent 16-17 funds. And have the members adjust their budgets, and the consortium submit a revised CFAD if the allocations change from what is currently listed on the most recent CFAD. So by 3/1/18 – the NOVA program year budget by members (16-17 carry over and 17-18 new funds) – will match the current CFAD. The consortium will have until 3/31/18 to certify.

The 3/1/18 deadline will be the first time this year members will be reporting expenses on 16-17 carry over & 17-18 new funds.

Only member agency level contacts will be able to access the submit button for their agency’s workplan and budget. The member agency submits their budget and workplan, and the consortium primary contact certifies the budget and workplan (consortium primary contacts are the only users that have the ability to certify the workplans and budgets). The member agency will see the un-submit button (only after they click on submit). The consortium primary contact will only see the certify button, which will not be available until the member submits their workplan and budget. The submit button is accessible from the Preview section of the member workplan and budget (the preview tab is located on the blue navigation pane on the left side of the screen from the 2017-18 Member Plan section). See screenshots below of how to navigate to the Preview section, and of the submit and certify process flow. The first two screenshots below the blue nav bar are member views and the second two are consortium views. In addition, the attached NOVA AEP User Manual has clarification on page 6.

The consortium primary contact will only see the certify button, which will not be available until the member submits their workplan and budget. The submit button is accessible from the Preview section of the member workplan and budget (the preview tab is located on the blue navigation pane on the left side of the screen from the 2017-18 Member Plan section). See screenshots below of how to navigate to the Preview section, and of the submit and certify process flow. The first two screenshots below the blue nav bar are member views and the second two are consortium views.

Your amendment has been uploaded in NOVA. To view your amendment, click on your consortia name (65 Ventura County). Right under the general information, there is the "Documents" section. The first document is your amendment. If you click on the Document Title, "Annual Plan," you are able to download your amendment.

Members that receive adult education funding from multiple consortia – can decide to separate out hours & expenses by each consortium or lump sum report them in one consortium. Regardless of which way they pick, they still must have their reports submitted and certified for each consortium in NOVA. For example: if a county office were a member of 3 consortia, they would have to submit and then have certified a report for each consortium (3 in total). We hope this avoids duplicate reporting (or provides options if the member has difficulties separating the funds).

You are limited to a selection from the drop-down list. If your fund doesn’t match the names on the drop down, please select the one that most closely resembles or is like your fund source.

Member Representative and Member Contacts can enter and submit information/data. Primary contacts can certify the information/data.

Since the member received funds in the past, they can't be deleted. That leaves two options, to enter a $0 or an N/A. If a zero is entered, that means they are still an active member, but just didn't get any funding, and will have to approve all consortium documents going forward. The N/A is a way to mark them as not funded and not a current member. By doing this, they won't have to approve the consortium documents like amendments, CFAD's, etc.

The NOVA system will allow members to submit their expenditure report with over expensed line items. However, until we fix the system, we are advising members to complete a budget revision prior to completing the expenditure report. We want to mitigate any potential future problems by completing a revision before it reaches that point.

Only NOVA Primary Contacts/Member Representatives can remove a Member Representative and/or Contact from the Consortium Contacts or Member Agency sections. Only NOVA administrators can deactivate a user's account with proper permissions.

Yes, TAP can assist you and provide training for the NOVA system. Please send a request through the website, Request Support.

To add a current NOVA user to a consortium contacts, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Consortium homepage.
  2. Scroll to the second section, Consortium Contacts.
  3. Click the +Add Contact in the bottom right.
  4. Enter the name or email address of the person you are adding.
  5. Select their responsibility level: Fiscal Contact or Primary Contact

To add a current NOVA user to a member agency, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Consortium homepage.
  2. Scroll to the Member Agency section.
  3. Click on the Agency you would like to add a member to.
  4. Click the +Add Contact in the bottom right.
  5. Enter the name or email address of the person you are adding.
  6. Select their responsibility level: Contact or Member Representative

Adding a new staff member to NOVA is something the Primary Contact for the consortium or a Member Representative for an agency is able to do by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Consortium homepage.
  2. If you are adding them to the consortium level, please scroll to the Consortium Contacts in the second section of the Consortium homepage. If you are adding them to a member agency, on the Consortium homepage please scroll to the Member Agency section and click on the correct member agency.
  3. Click the +Add Contact in the bottom right.
  4. Click the hyperlink that reads "Invite them here".
  5. Enter their name, email and contact type.
  6. NOVA will send them an invitation to the email address you entered. Please have them check their SPAM folder if they do see it in their inbox.