Publications & Reports
This section provides information on DOE, DOL, etc.
- U.S. PIAAC California Profile
- Upskilling adult learners with disabilities
- Ability to Benefit Program
- Implementing Ability to Benefit Eligible Career Pathways Programs for Federal Financial Aid
- An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty
- Urban Institute: Accelerating Opportunity Initiative Report
This section provides information on LAO, California Chancellor's Office and the California Deptarment of Education.
- CAEP High Impact Practices Final Report
- Prosperity Through Partnership: Opportunities for AEBG to Strengthen Sy
- Immigrants Rising Statewide AB 540 FAQ May 2023
- CAEP Integrated Education and Training in CA Research Brief
- Vision in Action - Top 10 Student Centered Ideas to Use Federal Stimulus Resources
- CAEP Adult Dual Enrollment Brief_Complete_R3
- High Road Alliance - Adult Education and Immigrant Integration Brief FINAL
- CA Future of Work Report - A New Social Compact for Work and Workers
- High Road Alliance - Transition from Adult Education Brief FINAL
- CalASSIST Project Summary
- Education Planning Initiative - Curriculum Inventory
- CA Competes Untapped Opportunity Report
- SB 68 Quick Guide: Immigrants Rising
- Action Item 13554 - Establishment of Educational Device Support Program for Riverside County
- AEBG Technology Opportunity Assessment Report
- Education Planning Initiative - Professional Development
- Education Planning Initiative - Governance
- The Enrollment Challenge: Tactics for Every Department
- California Community Colleges Student Financial Aid Programs
- Investments That Count - Consortia Innovation
- Career Development and College Preparation Program Annual Report: Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding
- Legislative Analyst Office Report: Restructuring California's Adult Education System
- Regional Economic Analysis Profiles
- Community College Pay-for-College
- The Best and Worst Places to Grow Up: How Your Area Compares
- The Past, Present and Future of Noncredit Education in California
This section provides information on non-profit organizations such as PPIC.
- CA Competes Allied Health Report Final
- CA Competes Credit for Prior Learning - Research Brief
- CA Competes Allied Health Report Final
- Supporting Student Parents in Community College Calworks Programs October 2020
- Increasing Community College Transfers Progress and Barriers September-2020
- Increasing Community College Transfers Progress and Barriers Appendix September-2020
- PPIC Report Overview Presentation Prep Students for Success
- PPIC Report - Preparing Students for Success