
Preparing adult students no matter where they are in their educational journey.

Welcome to the California Adult Education Program website!

This site is designed for administrators, educators, and prospective and current students. All users can find an adult school or community college in their area, learn about adult education programs and student supports, access program guidance and updates from the CAEP Office.

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To register and access information about upcoming training and webinars. Click here

Access to Archived Webinars
Archived webinars are located on the EDUCATORS or ADMINISTRATORS (then Webinars) pages.

CAEP 508 Compliance Commitment can be found on the EDUCATORS page under resources.

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California Adult Education Programs

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Students – connect with us for support on your educational journey for a better life, a better career and better skills
Educators – access our tools and resources, all at your fingertips, to elevate your adult education programs
CAEP Administrators – plan and execute effectively for your region through the latest tools, resources and technical support

Trending This Month

DataVista Office Hours
Date: Thursday, March 20th Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM PST Need support navigating DataVista? Join the upcoming office hours for an open, interactive session—bring your questions! Whether you’re having trouble finding specific data, need clarification on data interpretations, or want tips on using various features, the team will be there to help. This online session is designed to provide guidance and ensure your DataVista experience is easier and more productive.
DataVista 2.0 Release Webinar
Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Time: 2:30 - 4:00 PM PST The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office in conjunction with WestEd are happy to provide an overview of DataVista 2.0 Release for all audiences. This 90-minute webinar will include: Overview of DataVista and updates since its first release in October 2024, Preview of the DataVista Roadmap for future releases, Provide an in-depth walkthrough of the Vision 2030 report highlighting new metrics, and Showcase additional updates in DataVista.
2024-25 CAEP CFAD Governance Plan Review
We are pleased to share the recently released Hanover Research executive summary, which provides an in-depth analysis of the 2024-25 CAEP CFAD Governance Plan Review. This summary highlights critical topics such as compliance with carryover regulations, consortia governance policies, and local practices for consortium decision-making. It offers valuable insights for understanding and improving governance structures within the consortia framework.
Three-Year Plan Template
The much awaited; Three-Year template is ready for download. It provides a high-level outline of the required sections for the Three-Year Plan, including fillable text boxes and checklists aligned with NOVA. CAEP consortia can use this document to prepare content for submission into NOVA, which serves as the official approved plan.