Consortium-wide Data Study Sessions

Submitted By: Ilse Pollet

South Bay Consortium for Adult Education


Type of Practice: Program Evaluation

Program Area(s): ABE / ASE, ESL / EL Civics / Citizenship, CTE / Workforce Prep / Pre-apprenticeship, Adults with Disabilities, K12 Success

Region: Bay Area

Consortia Involved: South Bay Consortium for Adult Education

Program Overview

To address the need for alignment and consistent student enrollment, outcomes and transitions tracking across the consortium, the quarterly consortium-wide data study sessions were created.

The Program of Practice

In a complex consortium that includes two Community College Districts and five Adult Schools, many using different data systems, it is a challenge to arrive at consistent data entry and reporting practices across consortium members. Different interpretations of CAEP data elements lead to inconsistencies in tracking student enrollment, student outcomes and transitions. A clear picture of consortium-level data, critical to data informed decision making, was lacking.

The Response

As part of the active Three Year Plan, SBCAE established quarterly, consortium-wide data study sessions, led by the consortium’s Data Team. The study sessions are further supported by a Data Community of Practice. The team developed a consistent format to review student enrollment, disaggregated by member and program area. This allows consortium members to identify and interpret enrollment trends together, to which they can formulate programmatic responses. Student outcome data is reviewed as well, although we learned that more effort needed to go into developing a common understanding of outcomes data definitions to ensure validity of data sets. We are on track to support members in outcome data collection this program year. Finally, in the next iteration of the data study sessions, consortium members will also review student transitions data regularly.

The Unique Features of the Program

Consistent visualization of enrollment data. Three year trend analysis. Data-informed program development and other decision making.

The Outcome

Consortium members report a better understanding of CAEP data elements, as well as an increased understanding of student enrollment, transitions and outcomes data across the consortium.