
My teachers became my second family. They made me feel a part of something bigger for the first time in my life.

– Juan, Vista Adult School

AEP Questions and Answers

This is a collection of questions that are most frequently asked of the AEP Office. They are organized by topic area and will be updated as needed.

Do not use (2017 Regional Training)

If a student completes HSE or high school diploma, then that student does not need to post-test. Recommended practice for pretesting: administer an appraisal for that student. If using a CASAS appraisal, for example, if the student scores below 236, then that student qualifies for NRS levels and should be pre/post-tested. If the student scores 236+, then they have scored too high to make level gains for NRS reporting, so pre/post-testing is not required.

Citizenship Prep is not part of AEP reporting, so there are no specific requirements in AEP for this focus area. If you have ESL students enrolled in Cit Prep classes for WIOA II, however, then the pre/post-tests you use for this purpose can also serve as the pre/post for AEP.

Technically, pre/post is still required for ESL, ABE, and ASE. What you heard is just an “alternative” based on credits – it is assumed using credits will be practical at some agencies but definitely not all. We still recommend pre/post for HSE and HS diploma students… so the plan you have established should still be effective.

The NRS/CB21 crosswalk is intended to be used to ensure that students transitioning from K12 adult ed into community college coursework are placed at the appropriate CB21 level and to allow colleges to report CB21 course complete as a measurable skills gain for college noncredit students. It is a tool to support local alignment of course content, transition, and service alignment across systems, but there is no specific guidance on its use to address duplication or overlap of services at this time.

This would be true if you are using the appropriate credits to show the gain. Please work with CASAS as they have covered in the regional training how to use high school diploma credits to show gains (which is aligned with the federal WIOA and Carnegie units).

Here is the link Jay Wright says he uses to access the NRS approved assessment list:

Short answer is pre/post-testing is required for all AEP students in ABE, ASE (Adult Secondary -- that means HSE/HS diploma) and ESL. We use the term "WIOA II" as the way to designate that testing is required for the those federal funded Title II programs (the three I mention above) but is not required for those other programs that are included in AEP reporting but not included in WIOA II.
Slide 83 refers to next year, not 17-18 -- and refers more to which data system you will be allowed to use, not anything related to pre/post. Potentially, next year in 18-19, CCD's will be able to use their CCCCO MIS to report for AEP instead of using TE. You can check with the AEP office, but my understanding is that system currently does not include some critical AEP reporting elements, so it is not authorized for 17-18; but potentially this programming will be ready for 18-19.
The bottom bullet you reference is just to reinforce that, regardles of what is/is not allowed for AEP, CCD's that receive WIOA II federal funding will still need to use TE for their WIOA II reporting, just like always.

Providers can report employment using the TE Milestones Flag (Box 9 on the TE Update form), otherwise for this year AEP will use a data match with the EDD Wage File for employment and wage data for this year. There are plans for a post exit survey in the future and there will be a design and planning process to develop that this Fall.

AEP will use data matching to capture some post-secondary transitions, employment and wages data, completion of high school equivalency, transition into for credit pathways and student success data after exit. All other metrics will be reported by consortia. The AEP Data and Accountability Guidance document and the new Data Element Dictionary clearly identify which metrics are captured through data matching in the LaunchBoard.

The Launchboard will capture any enrollment into postsecondary college programs including noncredit CTE and any for credit enrollments up to 12 months after exit from a K12 AE or noncredit program regardless of a change in program year. 

For direct reporting by the college, yes. For students who transition into for credit programs from noncredit courses or K12 AE, that will be captured by the data match in the LaunchBoard. 

Don’t know the protocol in ASAP, but in TE mark Adults with Disabilities.

The Launchboard Adult Education Data Tab is populated based on data reported through TOPSPro Enterprise (TE) and the community college MIS system. If you are collecting all data elements as specified in the AEP data and accountability guidance, there is no additional data collection or data input process for that data to be loaded into the LaunchBoard.

The AEP office will use the Launchboard for matching of K12 AE, Community College, EDD Wage File, and high school equivalency data sets. This data will be available to consortia via the Adult Education Data Tab which can be viewed by consortium or by consortium member, including disaggregation of all the AE outcomes and population/demographic elements. While consortia may do their own local data matching for local evaluation purposes, the AEP office is not involved in that process.

The primary keys for the fuzzy match are name (first name, last name), DOB, and Gender.

Regarding consistently ineffective member, they will be offered targeted support through TAP partners. If continued ineffectiveness, member funding can be reduced. This process would be coordinated through AEP TAP and the State AEP Office.

You may still support and offer services for transitional for-credit programs and to support students in the process of transitioning into for credit programs, however you will not report those students into TE. If that student is transitioning from a noncredit college or K12 adult school program any outcomes associated with that student in for credit programs will be captured through the AEP/MIS Data Match in the LaunchBoard and will be reported as outcomes for your consortium.

None of the outcomes for AEP are tied to funding in the way that the WIOA Title II payment point system operates. Update Box 9 does impact the ability of AEP to track outcomes for students for reporting to the legislature and for sharing back to the field through the LaunchBoard Adult Ed Data Tab.

‘Service Only’ students are not considered to be enrolled in a program. Provides should do their best to collect all the student identifier and demographic information (Boxes 1-8 on the TE Entry Record) and use Box 8 on the TE Student Update record to identify what services were received.

Currently AEP is only collecting those data metrics identified for ESL and EL Civics students which would include students enrolled in Immigrant Integration (sometimes called immigrant immersion). The AEP Office is aware that Immigrant Integration uses additional outcome metrics and is an expanding practice. The Data and Accountability Committee recommended a study of Immigrant programs and outcomes to inform if those metrics could be collected at a statewide level for future reporting.

CB21 designates level below transfer for basic skills including English, math, and ESL for both credit and noncredit courses. The rubric can be accessed using the link below:
The AEP Office will announce the process for the CB21/NRS crosswalk in early September in partnership with the State Academic Senate and State Agencies.

You can flag a student with a disability using the TE program (Box 11 Entry Record] flag if they are enrolled in a program specifically designed for adults with disability or using the Barriers to Employment (Box 14) ‘disabled’ flag if they are an adult with a disability enrolling in a regular program. Colleges should be sure that adults with disabilities are enrolled into DSPS services and if they are offering specialized courses for adults with disabilities that those are appropriately flagged using the CB22 course flag for
‘Courses for Persons with Substantial Disabilities’ for such courses.

Students are identified using the Student Identifier and Demographic data elements in TOPSpro Enterprise (Boxes 1-8).

The Entering or Reentering the Workforce AB104 program area is defined and captured using population flags and not program flags. Providers should use the CTE program flag (Box 11 in TE Entry Record) and the appropriate barriers to employment flag (Box 14 in TE Entry Record).
1. Workforce Preparation should be captured using TE Box 11 ‘workforce readiness’ program flag.
2. If a student is doing workforce preparation as part of a CTE program the student should be coded as CTE
3. Colleges offering workforce preparation courses or CDCP certificates should code them appropriately using the CB22 workforce preparation course flag.

An ESL class that incorporates workforce preparation should generally be recorded as an ESL/EL Civics course as the National Reporting System Educational Functioning Levels for ESL incorporate workplace or work readiness skills.

Short term CTE is considered to be 1 year or less. In practice, the AEP office is aware that some CTE pathways go a little beyond 1 year (e.g. LVN). The 12-month designation is a guideline and not a strict limit.

Apprenticeship is not a defined program area under AB104 and there is no clear way to capture Apprenticeship in MIS or TE, and the student should be recorded as a CTE student in TE. If the program is a Registered Apprenticeship with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and the identifiers reported to DAS in reporting positive attendance for the student match the identifiers used in reporting the student for TE, the student can be captured as an apprenticeship student through a data match between DAS and AEP student enrollment records. There is no timeline for implementing that match, however it is already possible within the LaunchBoard.

Because of the limited number and diversity of existing programs and the difficulty of identifying outcomes that could be reasonably collected, the State Data and Accountability Committee was not able to provide a concise definition at this time.
Providers who have programs they feel qualify should use the Adults Supporting K12 School Success program flag in Box 11 of the TE Entry Record and Colleges should ensure that they use the ‘Parenting’ course flag in CB22. The example of courses for special ed instructors related to this area should probably be coded as a CTE enrollment since it is related to their occupation.

Yes – import/export is still an option for TE reporting.

Currently colleges can export data from their local ERP system to import into TE for reporting purposes in 2017/2018. In 2018/2019, data will be extracted directly from MIS. There are no plans to export data from the state MIS system into TE.

Members need their own TE ID number. Another school can help - but each member still needs their own TE ID. 

No, AEFLA WIOA Title II funding only supports ABE, ASE, and ESL programs.

There are three categories of CTE programming for reporting: Short term CTE, Preapprenticeship, and Workforce Preparation. Providers should select the program flag (Box 11 on the Entry Form) based on which if these programs the student is enrolled in. Workforce Entry/Reentry participation and reporting is based on the students status identified in the ‘Barriers to Employment’ field (Box 14 on the TE Entry Record). For example for a student entering a CTE program who qualifies as long term unemployed you would select CTE in Box 11 and long term unemployed in Box 14.

In 2017/2018, all college data is being reported through TE so that data will be available in the quarterly data tables distributed by CASAS. In Spring 2018 all consortia and member (College & K12 Adult) data will be available through the LaunchBoard in the Adult Education Data Tab.

In 2017/2018 all college data is being reported through TE so that data will be available in the quarterly data tables distributed by CASAS. In Spring 2018 all consortia and member (College & K12 Adult) data will be available through the LaunchBoard in the Adult Education Data Tab.

In addition to transition for Low ASE to High ASE, there is an additional metric for progress towards diploma that is based on course completion and that can be recorded in the TE software platform.

Under WIOA, a student can have an EFL attainment once per reporting period (quarter) meaning they can potentially realize four EFL attainments in a single program year. This applies specifically to WIOA reporting for Title II funded programs. For yearly reporting to the State AEP must report the number of “students” who increased their basic skills during the program year, not the number of EFL’s attained.

For evaluation purposes, AEP will track all transitions of students between programs to better understand student journeys and pathways. How these are ultimately reported to the legislature will depend on what the data says, however student transition data will be available to students via the LaunchBoard to inform program development and improvement.

In 2018 /2019, AEP will automatically pull the college data through MIS. There has been no discussion about pulling some college’s data from TE and some from MIS in 2018/2019 at this time.

There are four required quarterly reporting dates, starting with 1st Quarter student data reporting is 10/31/17. Then every quarter after that (1/31, 4/30, & 8/1). Failure to meet these deadlines will put the member into targeted technical assistance. Failure to comply after the TA will result in a reduction in funding.

We would expect all colleges to begin reporting their non-credit students in the seven AEP program areas starting with the 1st Quarter – due 10/31/17. Every quarter the information is updated. You will have a chance to improve upon the data reporting as the year progresses. But keep in mind preliminary & final reporting data is shared with the legislature and may impact funding levels in the future.

Technically, it would be noncredit students participating in all 7 program areas regardless of funding source. So Yes, you are no longer reporting only on AEP funded students, however that may or may not be all of your students.

No, that won’t happen until 18/19. The state has extended the data and accountability funding end date to 12/31/18 for the purpose of getting better & accountability for 17/18.

No, consortia must report on all their non-credit students in order to provide a full report to the legislature, which directly impacts future funding adult education. We highly recommend you use your Data and Accountability funds to offset any additional costs related to this requirement.

Data collection and reporting for AEP and certification of the accuracy and completeness of the data is the agency’s responsibility. Agencies should seek technical support if they are having difficulty importing the data.

Providers should report workforce readiness/ workforce preparation using the workforce readiness program flag in TE and the CB22 workforce preparation course flag. This is effective for the 17/18 program year. To be consistent with WIOA, we will refer to the skill gain as workforce preparation.

Workforce preparation – TE will pull milestone flags and noncredit completion using MIS flags
Participants who complete workforce preparation courses and certificates. Data on this metric will be collected in two ways:
•Marking Workforce Readiness on the Entry Record and either Training Milestone or Completed Course on the Update Record (field #9 – work)
•Starting in 2018-19, CDCP certificates coded as workforce preparation in MIS

Participation and completion of workforce preparation courses and certificates is one-metric and employment and wage gains are separate metric that applies to all AEP students regardless of program after they exit. In addition, completion of a workforce preparation certificate does NOT qualify as the completion of a postsecondary credential for AEP.

No, Workforce Preparation is based on completion of a workforce preparation course or workforce preparation certificate (locally approved or CDCP).

Nothing – it’s all CTE. There are no qualifiers there.

Students can be recorded in two program areas, however that requires scanning two separate forms as only one program area can be checked for the update or entry form at any time.

The term dual enrollment refers to students who are taking community college courses while also enrolled in primary or secondary school and are admitted to the college as special admit students. The Chancellor’s Office does not consider adult schools to be primary or secondary schools. Therefore, these students would be admitted under the regular rules for admission (not under the special admission rules).
If students are enrolled simultaneously in college and K12 adult education courses at the same time, this should show up in the data match between TE and the college MIS system and can be captured as such; however, this area probably needs greater definition.

The Supplemental Data Report is a research report the CDE and the Chancellor’s Office will use to make future AEP decisions. It is not a TE report nor will this data be in the TE tables. We are only reporting noncredit/adult education student data and outcomes for AEP to the legislature starting this year 17/18.
The Supplemental Data Report will look at noncredit enrollment/outcomes less than 12 hours, immigrant integration metrics, and any data related to credit courses in the seven AEP program areas.
Only noncredit/adult education student data in the seven AEP program areas will be displayed in the TE AEP tables. Credit course work and outcomes will not be displayed in the TE tables (or reports).

Providers can track services by creating a course or tracking them in some other way and reporting via TE using Box 8 on the Update Record. In order to analyze what happens to service only students or students with less than 12 contact hours, providers MUST collect at least the core identifier information (first/last name, gender, date of birth; boxes 1-5 on the Entry Record) and as much demographic information as possible (boxes 6-9 on the Entry Record).

If a student receives one contact hour or more of services or instruction, they are a reportable individual and should be reported in the quarter in which the services were received.

If you are funding a third party provider for the provision of supportive or educational services, all the reporting obligations are the same for those students as for students enrolled in your system directly.

All Workforce “readiness” courses count under the AEP Workforce Preparation Milestone and should be coded for Workforce Readiness in TE. Students enrolled in a CTE class should be coded to the CTE program.

If an agreement were in place with that other organization, you would code the CTE Class and if they complete an industry certification within that, code that in box 9.

Yes, for AEP this includes all K12 adult and college noncredit students in the 7 program areas.

The payment point system pertains to only WIOA Title II funded institutions and is administered by CDE independently of AEP. Currently AEP does not plan to collect or report on HSE exam scores.

The payment point system pertains to only WIOA Title II funded institutions and is administered by CDE independently of AEP. Any questions regarding payment points or recommendations should be directed there. Currently AEP does not plan to collect or report on HSE exam scores. The HSD progress metric was requested specifically by K12 and college providers to track students who are making progress but who may not have attained a new EFL or have not yet achieved their diploma.

They would be captured as enrolled in a CTE program and then captured in the employment metric just like any other student. They do not have to have been enrolled in your school for the enrollment and outcome to count, as long as they are in a formal agreement with your consortium for the provision of these services. As the consortium member you would need to determine how best to collect that data for reporting through TE.

We will also track transition from K12 to any college course or transition from any K12 or college noncredit course to credit courses. For the purposes of reporting of the major metrics for the legislature the committee chose the “transition to postsecondary” metric based on the intent and desires of the legislature as demonstrated through the 2012 LAO report, AB86, and AB104 legislation. However, all the transition data between programs, between systems, and from AE or noncredit to credit will be tracked and available for consortia in the launchboard. Additionally, should other significant data emerge regarding those other kinds of transitions, it is likely they also would be noted in statewide reporting.

The AEP Office will track student transitions from K12 adult or noncredit into for-credit courses as well as what is defined as post-secondary transition in the Measuring our Success paper. This data will be displayed with other data metrics not in the legislative report. Because the legislature is particularly focused on student transitions to college level coursework, that is partially driving the definition of the metric was the desire of the committee to set a high standard for how we want define successful transition. Transition to any CTE program from any basic skills or ESL program also counts as a post-secondary transition.

I have added you to the listserv. If you have other staff members who would like to be added to the listserv, please have them sign up using the link on the home page at: 

Progress towards diploma is a data element in addition to the progress from Low ASE to High ASE which is measured using CASAS NRS approved testing instruments. Progress towards diploma is completion of any course which counts towards a state approved adult high school diploma program during a quarterly reporting period. This metric was specifically requested by field practitioners so programs could get credit for students who make progress towards their diploma but who have not attained an EFL or have attained the EFL from low to high ASE but who are still working on their diploma requirements. 

I have added you to the AEP email distribution list. If you have any other staff who would like to subscribe, please have them sign-up at the following link: AEP Newsletter

In 2017/2018, the Chancellor’s Office will conduct a review of CCC Apply to identify ways to align data collection with Adult Education reporting and how CCC Apply can be made more useful for noncredit programs and students.

Yes, that’s fine. That sort of student would not qualify for the special literacy gain outcome I am talking about now – but by all means, if they pass the HSE that will certainly count for the secondary HSE outcome.

Course content and definitions for both credit and noncredit are local curriculum decisions except where already prescribed under education code.

We are waiting for further details from the AEP State Office regarding next steps for the AEP Policy Field Team. As soon as we receive an updated status on the process, we will pass that along.

It does not matter if the teacher is CCD or K12. The student should be co-enrolled in both the ESL program and the CTE program. Identify the ESL class as IET in the class lister.
Health Career Prep and Exploration would be considered a Workforce Preparation course and count towards the Workforce Preparation Milestone.